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Everything posted by sixx

  1. It will probably be goals galore for Mitroglu in the Championship. Then some low-table PL club will buy him in January for 5-8 million.
  2. On Jonjo Shelvey: "Needless to say, he's a shoo-in for the VICE alternative team of the season. In fact, he's the fucking captain." That really got me. Great stuff!
  3. the minutes from 45-70 is about the most excited I've been as a Newcastle fan in a long long time.
  4. When I thought I couldn't love this man more. He sums up all that is beautiful about football. Letting this man rot in the reserves and in the mean time playing the likes of Shola, Gouffran and Gosling should be a criminal offense.
  5. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/398059/team-america-puke-o.gif
  6. http://inbedwithmaradona.com/journal/2014/4/15/ayoze-rise-of-the-boy-from-mara-jimnez A piece on the Tenerife lad we've been linked with.
  7. Ugh why has this to be fucking Cardiff. If there is any justice in this world we'll lose and hopefully be losing come the hour mark.
  8. The contrast between Ben Arfa's comments about having the ambition to win a cup or break into the top 4 and the shower of shit that Blob Jelliot spouted the other day... The club's defeatist mentality is so sickening and having our best player, and seemingly the only one with a hint of ambition, left in the cold is just so devastating.
  9. Hopefully Atleti will score an early goal, for the sake of the match. Well I surely hope so! If they do, which i very much doubt, I might tune in. Getting an early goal against the best defence in the PL+2 extra defenders away from home is a massive task. I really want so see an all Madrid final though. Would be insane.
  10. Brave Mourinho. Not sure if I'll even bother to watch this.
  11. Don't forget that Shola Ameobi still regularly features and might be getting a new contract.
  12. <a href="http://reactiongifs.com/?p=13585"><img src="http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/2013/07/lol.gif"></a> Laughed way too hard at this. So delicately apt.
  13. f***ing hell man, people don't want us signing s*** like Jack Colback so we must be over the moon that Gosling has been getting games, like the 2 should be in any way linked. It's more the fact that in 4 years time there'll be a thread about us signing Jack Collison with people saying saying "Obviously a lot of people happy Colback has been getting games this season. Colback or Collison? Hmm, f***ing tough choice that one." We don't need him, we'll need an instant replacement for him the moment he puts pen to paper. The two are linked as Colback is a massive improvement on gosling. It's quite simple really. So who do we get to replace gosling? Will xavi come sit on the bench for cover? Or does it have to be some French c*** no one has heard of who'll want away as soon as it gets tough or a better offer is thrown in front of his face? I've already explained earlier why I don't want us to sign Colback, however I'm not going to throw my toys out the pram should we do so like so many are prepared to do before he's even signed. This I sincerely don't understand. Gosling has started three PL matches this season and has come on as a substitute in another three. He hasn't looked useful in any of these games. On the whole during his four year spell at the club he has featured in 22 PL games. This all the while Bigirimana, Abeid, Marveaux and Ben Arfa barely get a look in. There is nothing to replace when Gosling goes.
  14. Grow a pair. So we shouldn't sign ANYONE until we actually sign a player as good as Cabaye then? Fed up of the whole "cabaye replacement" s****, we going to call the player that who we sign? Have you paid attention at all in these last few years? sure we all have, but you literally can’t kick off about colback in the context of being the replacement for cab aye until the transfer window opens at least, personally i’d be tempted to wait until nearer the end of it like Exactly, it won't stop people bitching for the sake of bitching mind. I get the feeling many Newcastle fans are just looking for any tiny reason to have a bitch. Christ Almighty. f***ing awful post by sixx like, utterly woeful Did I hit a nerve somewhere? Under our current ownership and management it wouldn't surprise me at all that Colback would be intended to fill the gap Cabaye left. Colback might be an alright player but we really should be aiming higher than signing players on free from Sunderland. The bottom line is that we don't need to replace Dan Gosling as some are suggesting and we don't need a new utility player who regularly plays out of position.
  15. And how on earth have some of you tricked your minds into believing that Dan Gosling is an integral part of this team that would need to be replaced? Amazing.
  16. Signing no one for 18 months just to snap up some clogger from fucking Sunderland on a free transfer. Of all the disrespectful things the Ashley regime has conjured upon the fans this has got to be among with the worst. We just sold our best midfielder for years and received quite a bit of money for him and we should expect quite an investment on a good midfielder to replace him. Not Jack Colback for fucks sake.
  17. I can't say I watch a lot of Bayern games nor do I see many games for France but I very rarely see anything that indicates that Franck Ribery is one of the worlds best. Am I blind or is he maybe a bit overrated?
  18. Not overly excited by Moyes. I just want nice attacking football and I don't really care if we finish in the top 8 for 10 consecutive seasons. Flowing and attacking football coupled with maybe a decent cup run would make me immensely interested again in football. Moyes will bring neither. He's certainly not the worst candidate though and I pretty much want anyone to replace Pardew except Kinnear.
  19. I hope I will be in a coma during our game at Anfield.
  20. sixx

    The England Thread

    Bet Roy will play two banks of facking four. Nonetheless. Hart Johnson Jagielka Cahill Baines Henderson Gerrard Wilshere Sturridge Lallana Rooney Not entirely convinced by Wilshere. Would love to see a bit of Ross Barkley or even Oxlade-Chamberlain. Maybe even Carrick against tougher opponents. Is Rodwell still alive? Hope Carroll will also be in the squad and I'd like to see Sterling play. Really like Sterling, so direct.
  21. Don't see Swansea getting relegated and wouldn't like to see us buy anyone from Sunderland. Fulham: Uhhh? Dan Burn maybe or Kasami? Awful squad. Cardiff: Caulker and Mutch definately. Maybe Medel. Norwich: Snodgrass, Fer, Hooper and Redmond. WBA: Yacob, Mulumbu and Berahino probably. Really hope Cardiff go down because I hate Solskjær and Caulker and Mutch would be great additions.
  22. Carroll's sale measures up disappointment wise with us being relegated, for me. Finally seeing a really talented player coming through the ranks, and that a nr. 9 of all things, just to see him leave for a club I despise so much on the last transfer day was a massive kick in the nuts and should have confirmed to all that there is something fundamentally wrong with this regime. The transfer fee was of course ridiculous but making him leave on the last day without a replacement was insane and an insult to fans. No one knows if Carroll could have at least justified some of his transfer fee if he'd escape massive injuries in the past couple of years but Ashley and Pardew got lucky and Carroll's injuries "rationalized" the sale over time. For a sensible amount of money and if he's been injury free over a sustained period of time, I'd have him back in a heartbeat.
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