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Everything posted by PRL

  1. Worth almost 400 quid to me if Hodgson goes next, so undoubtedly it won't be him... Cannot believe how many are on the edge.
  2. PRL


    http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8652_6636327,00.html If I was a manager I think I'd actually ban my players from having these...
  3. PRL


    I would rather have Welbeck than Ben Afra on the footage I have seen this season and I'm not having a pop at Arfa as I haven't seen a great deal of him to make an accurate assessment but Welbeck is going to be a top player. I've seen Ben Arfa twice when Newcastle have been on the box,once was a Sunday afternoon game and he got took off early in second half(can't remember who it was against) and in all honesty thought he was very average and the other game was Man City when he got injured so obviously can't judge him on that. So you can't judge your attendances or Andy Carroll on half a season, yet you can judge Ben Arfa on one half?! Hmmm...
  4. Cheers, I've had a punt at those odds. Fingers crossed
  5. PRL


    According to Twitter Benitez sacked...
  6. PRL

    Papa Waigo

  7. PRL

    Alan Pardew

    how is pardew worse than JFK exactly? come on, help me here I'd say the situation is worse. When JFK came in we were a fucking shambles already. It was the icing on a shambolic cake. Up until Monday we were in a bad patch but a solid position after a good start to the season. The scale of change in outlook since Monday morning (48 hours ago!) is more dramatic
  8. PRL

    Alan Pardew

    Nope, not me. Why not? You realise if the players have your attitude we are dead? Yeah, because had they had your attitude under Hughton we'd be top of the league.
  9. I'm intrigued Ikon, are you a season ticket holder / do you get to many games? Because if you do, fair play, but if you don't, telling people who travel the length and bredth of the country, spending large portions of their disposable income cheering the team on, often pissing off their nearest and dearest no end by either not being around or being genuinely fucking annoyed when they are around following a defeat, is a bit fucking rich. As I said in another thread, I could never stop caring altogether, but i'll be fucked if I'm sinking in a massive financial and emotional investment into the club when it's owned by someone with absolutely zero respect for those of us who fill up the grounds. So, whilst it won't be 'the end' for me supporting Newcastle (I don't really think it would be for anyone on here. After all, we're all obsessed enough to sit around ranting and raving with a bunch of people the majority of whom we don't know) it will certainly be the end of me spending any money whatsoever going to the games and spending the other weekends glued in front of a tv or some kind of dubious stream.
  10. PRL

    Alan Pardew

    When Pardew left West Ham he was arrogant enough to think he'd land another job in the big time. He's subsequently sat on the scrapheap and then was sacked by a League 1 team. I think his ego is suitably damaged that he'd take anything that involved managing a Premier League club, even with all the caveats Ashley and Llambias will want to place on it. After all, if they give him no money and make him sell players he's in a no lose situation: we get relegated, it wasn't his fault, no one could do the job under those circumstances. We stay up, he's performed a miracle, 3 and a half year contracts all round. No way out.
  11. PRL

    Alan Pardew

    No. I'm finished with NUFC until he goes, not because I really dislike him, I've just had enough of Ashley now. It feels like I'm wasting precious minutes of my life on the club while Ashley is here. Never thought I'd ever say that. Never. I can understand that BUT as much as I hate Ashley, I still obviously want the club to win and do well I felt like that was being achieved, but that still stop Ashley changing the expectations. Clearly this guy is thinking outside of your typical Chairman. I'm with TM on this one, really tempted to shamefully stop attending games, as at the moment (and this could be over reaction!) I'm fed up with Ashley's Toon. Pretty much the same as this. I'd never be able to stop looking out for results, etc. but i'm not spending my weekend emotionally invested in the pre match, the game and the aftermath if it's this cunt in charge. I'm sure I'm the same as many in that my mood is intrinsically linked to what goes on at Newcastle and right now it's just not worth it. If Ashley is determined to fuck the club up, then what's the point in getting so worked up, investing so much time, money and emotion following the team? Just going to have to sit it out until Ashley fucks off.
  12. This is what happened. they both went for the same ball, not sure whose fault it was though. i was sure it was carroll that reached it. Different incident. That did happen, but there was another occasion where Shola nodded it down and Carroll had followed the flight of the ball and was in no mans land. I noted in the match thread it was one of those where it was commented 'if Nolan had been playing it'd be 2-0'. I'd likely agree, although I'm not sure Nolan would have got in the box that quickly.
  13. But why 3 days before the vote? It's just sensationalist bullshit which the BBC constantly claim to be above. Mark Thompson is one of the biggest cunts in media and he is setting out his stall to create as much hype and controversy as possible. Whatever Blatter says, this could have an impact on whether we get the WC, or whether a fuckload of govt (ie tax funded) money gets spunked up the wall due to the vanity of Thompson. Just another example of the BBC dumbing itself down and seeking out viewing figures as opposed to genuinely wanting to uncover misdemeanours.
  14. Agree with all of this. On a similar note, Zigic seems to be the same (although I'm only going off yesterday and Stoke defenders are probably the wrong guage)
  15. Right... except he isn't, as virtually every ball that comes to him at chest height sticks to him and gets laid off. I do not recall berating Carroll at any point this season or at the end of last for persistantly giving the ball away. I'd say firstly, Carroll doesn't have Rafael Van der Vaart on the end of his knockdowns, making things a lot simpler for him. However, as Carroll now has almost as many (i may be wrong, it may be as many / more) assists as he does goals, he's obviously pretty decent at bringing team mates into the game. As regards attacking the ball / heading on goal, it's pretty crucial if you have a massive centre forward his key asset is going to be headed goals, Carroll is streets ahead of Crouch in this respect. What, you mean like cross body volleys from long high balls? Crouch was a Villa reserve when he was 21. He had half a good season at QPR in the Championship when they were relegated then a decent season at Pompey, before he regressed massively for 2 years and had to fight his way back at Southampton. He has continued to yoyo throughout his career, flitting between being just too good and just not good enough for the teams he plays for. I won't argue that Carroll is only off the back of 12 months of ludicrous progress and none of us know how it is going to go for him, but to somehow deduce that he'd be lucky to be as good as Crouch who hasn't really progressed from the player he was at 21, when Carroll seems to have the raw attributes to be a far better player, seems a massive leap to make and based purely on your opinion as opposed to any evidence to the contrary. I'm also sure he's kept awake at night by the fact you aren't convinced by him as a player
  16. PRL

    Harry Redknapp

    This quote in particular: And in a jibe laced with irony, he said of the supporters: "They've had it so good over the years, you see. When you keep winning league championships every year, you get upset when you don't win." The guy is such a fucking tool.
  17. PRL

    Joey Barton

    Nice little stat from F365 today: Joey Barton has created 20 chances for teammates this season - the same as Mikel Arteta and more than Ashley Young and Andrey Arshavin.
  18. Also, if he was that worried about the wage bill, I wouldn't imagine Ben Arfa would have been brought in, loan or not - his wages must have been pretty fucking hefty one would imagine. Whilst I'm on it, why would he want to massively reduce the wage bill prior to selling the club? Pretty sure that would include dumping a load of saleable assets. Which would in turn jeapordise the club's premier league status and knock a massive amount of the asking price. No one, not even he, is that fucking stupid. And, all the major bets are linked to him... really? He's phoning his buddy and going 'Oi Del Boy, get yourself down the bookies and place place a nifty few grand on CH getting the sack'. I really struggle to believe that.
  19. With all due respect this line alone makes it sound all a bit desperate. It's a plea for people to carry on asking questions and keep the conversation topic on the poster and his ITKness. I realise the poster has been signed up a long time but without trawling through old posts to see if he has a history of genuine inside knowledge, I'm inclined to see this as a bit self indulgent and I'm not going to panic too much.
  20. Cigar in mouth and looking for a man city reserve. Howay The lads
  21. Cigar in mouth and looking for a man city reserve. Howay The lads
  22. PRL

    Francis Jeffers

    Agreed. Been hungover two days in a row, and had this headline and the Ince one to contend with on F365 upon logging in. Motherfuckers.
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