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Everything posted by durhamunigeordie

  1. I'm sorry, I respect the fact you are entitled to your own opinion, but I honestly can't believe how you can see it like that. As soon as he came on we had momentum, which was only stalled by the introduction of Shola. I genuinely cannot understand how people would rather watch the team that started today over the team that we had out there when Hatem came on. We completely changed formation, that helped us more against a team playing 5 in midfield. That benefited us more than Ben Arfa coming on but it's easy again to put all the success on Ben Arfa. So if we'd have changed formation but kept the same the personnel on you reckon we would have seen a similar shift in momentum?
  2. What a ridiculous short sighted view. Talking about my view or that of the person going nuts at Hatem? Yours. Well obviously it's an exaggeration, but my point is simply why bother watching the game if you don't want to watch players like him.
  3. I'm sorry, I respect the fact you are entitled to your own opinion, but I honestly can't believe how you can see it like that. As soon as he came on we had momentum, which was only stalled by the introduction of Shola. I genuinely cannot understand how people would rather watch the team that started today over the team that we had out there when Hatem came on.
  4. What a ridiculous short sighted view. Talking about my view or that of the person going nuts at Hatem?
  5. It's like they suddenly blank out the entire first half (and 90 minutes at Fulham) where we created absolutely nothing.
  6. Pleased for him today, didn't stop trying. Still not convinced about him for the future.
  7. Some bloke next to me was going nuts at Hatem when he was trying a few things that didn't work. People like him shouldn't be allowed to watch football.
  8. It just isn't his last chance though. They'll stick with him until the end of the season on the off chance he gets some confidence back.
  9. Sad reality is that that side would score more goals than our current Remy/Hatemless crop.
  10. Not trying to have a go or anything, but for me personally the stats are irrelevant. I'm going to a game of football Saturday and I'd rather see Hatem Ben Arfa play than not. In fact I'd rather watch him play than Sissoko, Gouffran etc. I don't care if he's overweight, inconsistent etc. at this stage. This season is effectively over, I've watched a dire 90 minutes at Craven Cottage last weekend and I just want to watch something entertaining. That's more likely to happen with Hatem out there than not.
  11. Pathetic from him again. Don't think it's actually fair to judge de Jong until he's played properly with Remy.
  12. durhamunigeordie

    Loïc Remy

    A blow. Have been to Fulham 4 times and not seen us win. Little chance of breaking that now.
  13. Just looking at that BBC article on managerial ins and outs. Wenger is the only manager in the top three flights of English football to have been appointed pre-2010. (League 2 has two managers pre-dating that). Madness.
  14. Will this definitely be on at the cock and lion? Just rang and the woman said they don't have foreign channels, but is she just covering her back?
  15. Pointless Cisse playing if it's on the right wing. Much rather see De Jong through the middle as well.
  16. It's the bit about the advertising that gets me. They've gone from insisting that there was no one interested and if an offer came in then things would change, to basically saying that until someone will pay £129m things wont change.
  17. Frustrating as both Shola and Gosling definitely won't be here next year yet they still make the bench.
  18. His floaty headed clearances back into danger have started to creep into his game a little again.
  19. Just read some article on Holt 7500 or something slagging off Colo.
  20. MYM behind Taylor is shocking given that the former was very unfortunate to lose his place last time Colo came back from injury.
  21. Group of lads next to me went mental when he came on. They appear to hate him. One lad went nuts at him when he slipped over just past the half way line. That was at a point when he had already beaten about 3 men by the touchline. Someone next to him pointed out politely that Hatem had just lost his footing and that could of happened to anyone, but the lad wasn't having it. I am inclined to agree that often we look a better team without Ben Arfa, but as a football fan give me Hatem with the ball at his feet over Gouffran and Sissoko any day of the week.
  22. Tough one - it was the right idea - take a yellow for the team and stop the opposition breaking on the counter, however, he didn't quite count on Nasri holding his ground so well which is why he had to go for the swipe that injured him.
  23. Sit low in the Gallowgate and just seen it for the first time on a replay. An absolute joke of a decision. Not even arguable.
  24. His underdog mentality is galling. He's actually very good at setting up a side in games where we are expected to get battered. His 'brand' of football (i.e. staying in the game and nicking a goal if possible) works very well in such games. However, he has no idea how to go out and take a game by the scruff of the neck.
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