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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Both very good signings for their respective clubs.
  2. Exactly. Shepherd may have his bad points but I think at the moment, it's a good calculated risk from our point of view getting him in with this consortium.
  3. And anyone who had any sense of morality would walk away feeling mightily ashamed that they had managed to dupe the money off hard-working fans. However Owen is motivated by money, it doesn't matter that he is worth millions, and that the £2 million "loyalty" bonus and nearly £500,000 for the extra month is more than most of us will have in our lifetimes. He couldn't give a fuck, its all about the cash for Mr Owen, always has been, always will be. Well, not really. It's not like he was throwing bongo parties till 3 a.m. every morning and snorting coke from a stripper's tits. As far as he's concerned, he might not have scored the goals, but he put in the work, ate the right stuff, got enough sleep etc. etc. You can be sure he doesn't feel any guilt at all about his performances for NUFC, even if he'll be the first to agree he's disappointed. He's 29 now, and currently a former European Player of the Year who's been unlucky with injuries. This is his last chance at a massive jackpot before he retires to breed horses. If he stayed at NUFC for even a season, he'd not only take a big pay cut, but he'd be a 30-year-old Championship player who's not getting any better, and his earning potential for the remainder of his career would be perhaps a third of what it is right now if he plays his cards right. Any working-class person with an ounce of sense would do exactly the same thing. £30,000 a week from football for a few more years and then however much he makes from his horses is substantially more than the average joe will ever make tbh though Sure, but it won't keep the Owens going for all that long in the style to which they are accustomed. I mean, I go to work on a bike and he takes his chopper In before everyone else: "who did you nick that bike off?"
  4. Artists impression of NE5 this morning: http://www.fireroze.com/2009/images/happycomputer.jpg
  5. Yeah, but if a deal is very close to happening surely they'll be able to put Shearer in? therefore if it takes two weeks, Hughton Calderwood and Barron might only be doing pre-season on their own for 5-7 days. I hope.
  6. Not sure what to think tbh. If he's learned from his mistakes, then great, although I highly doubt he has.
  7. - knew you where referencing Mark but my series 5 knowledge is poor. Saw that ep last night though
  8. KD has actually massively improved as a poster, granted he's still a Spurs fan but I don't have any major issues with him.
  9. I feel sorry for Hughton in all honesty. The bloke was brought in to give Keegan a hand and he's been manager for about almost half of our games last season, not to mention doing all the coaching as well. I've been told by quite a few that Kinnear didn't really do much in training meaning it was Hughton and Paul Barron doing everything except fitness and conditioning.
  10. Pilko

    RIP sale thread.

    So, for someone who hasn't read this thread for about three pages (since about 11am?) could someone please summarise any developments, if any? Three pages seems a lot for about seven hours...
  11. Means you can drown yourself if we lose Yeah, there's an irish bar round the corner, I'll drown myself there. Where in Spain you going? Alicante, on the south-east coast.
  12. Means you can drown yourself if we lose Yeah, there's an irish bar round the corner, I'll drown myself there.
  13. Harsh on him, tbf. Nah. Knew you'd be straight in there.
  14. Harper RyanTaylor StevenTaylor Bassong Kadar Guthrie Butt Barton Jonas Ameobi Carroll 1-0 to the home team
  15. I'm going to be in Spain then, suits me perfectly that. Pool is shut there from 3.30-6... so the match will be 4-6 local time.
  16. dan b is looking good for a celebratory suckjob tonight like
  17. I think they're going to dedicate this game to Mike if they win.
  18. I thought that you were congratulating my gag.
  19. Oh it's on like donkey kong now Boris. Sure thing Mario.
  20. I'll be guarding you, just like some sort of wheezing prison warden on stilts.
  21. Pilko

    RIP sale thread.

    that's some good advice right there
  22. Are you saying BOOOOOTH or BOOOOOTH-urns? "I was saying BOOOOOTH-urns" http://z.about.com/d/animatedtv/1/0/-/A/moleman.jpg
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