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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. It's reading the stuff in the media about "will Barton start, will he not" now that I appreciate what a masterstroke Keegan pulled when he brought Barton on against Arsenal. There's no tripe about him getting his first appearance out of jail, or about how fans will react, or anything like that. In fact, they seem to have stopped the ethic questioning they were piling on a few months ago. And Barton coming back in a Tyne-Wear derby means the limelight is off him quite a bit, as this is our 'most important game' etc.
  2. Wish there would be 7pm kickoffs on a Saturday, that would be awesome.
  3. Pilko


    and while this topic is here, I reckon Geremi should lose 2% of his wages for every crap freekick or corner he does. If he hits the first man or fails to test the keeper, then he loses money. would be a good incentive imo. some of our corners this season have been flatter than a witch's tit
  4. I am not surprised, as it is a very risky game to play searching the internet looking at teenage boys in shorts. Someone give Gary Glitter a ring, doubt he's doing much these days We all know what he'd do with it.
  5. "Yes, it's a rock, and when I see you, Shola, it certainly becomes northern!"
  6. Haha, fair do's. I like to think it my duty to stop people getting carried away on these boards, as we know they can sometimes. Yes, he had a very good game.
  7. Pilko


    ah, its been such a while since a fatty dunne og.
  8. Although he played well on Monday night and as much as I love the guy, it's worth pointing out that the guy he faced in Jo, is an utter plank, and continues City's trend of not having a decent striker for the last 20 years. Colo seems a very good buy though, Taylor will definetely improve with him alongside him and it can't do Bassong any harm at LB knowing he has a class act like Colo capable of covering for him when he's out of position.
  9. I don't think its that I think he thought that Carroll would use his size which he didn't. If it was me, I would have thrown on someone with energy to close down and track back, and you think after coming back from a lengthy lay-off that Carroll wouldn't be fully fit yet. Make or break for him. Would like to see him get a home start in the cup or something tbqh.
  10. If Kinnear gets good results and then the new owners come in, I could easily see them keeping Kinnear on until close season.
  11. Right, two different teams here dependant on the Beye red: RESCINDED: Given Beye Coloccini Taylor Bassong Jonas Barton Guthrie N'Zogbia Ameobi Martins Subs: Harper, Xisco, Carroll, Geremi, Cacapa, Duff, Butt NOT RESCINDED: Given Taylor Coloccini Bassong Enrique Jonas Guthrie Barton Duff Ameobi Martins Bench: Harper, Xisco, Carroll, Geremi, N'Zogbia, Butt, Cacapa
  12. this shows that Kinnear just does not rate Xisco at all, if a half-fit 19-year old is getting off the bench before he is. this season for carroll and edgar is make or break - do well and stay, or play badly and fuck off. at the minute, i'd get rid of the pair in the summer. prove me wrong lads
  13. http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg226/JonnyPilko/sholaimpossible.png
  14. Pilko

    Michael Owen

    Well, Kazakhstan's players are not very nice. That's probably why.
  15. Pilko


    Now we have a few more players back, and with Barton only a game away from availablity, we could easily go Geremi Guthrie N'Zogbia Duff, Duff Guthrie Geremi N'Zogbia Jonas Guthrie Geremi N'Zogbia Jonas Guthrie Geremi Duff and leave Butt out. or any other combination of the above for the man city game. we then can add Barton to that for the game against the mackems, and maybe Gonzalez when he's fit again.
  16. I'd like to think that now Kinnear is "properly" in charge on matchdays (touchline ban gone) it means the players won't be as shite first half as they have been in the last two games. We could have won both games easily if we'd played like we did second half all game.
  17. Pilko

    Steven Taylor

    Think I meant understanding, although I could have meant anything tbh.
  18. Pilko

    Steven Taylor

    When Beye is back I fully expect to see Cacapa dropped in favour of Taylor at CB. Cacapa will be a very useful squad player this season, but playing him more often than not would just stop Taylor from getting an understandment with Coloccini.
  19. The stewards should be more worried if we sung "If I win the EuroMillions Jackpot, we're on the pitch"
  20. Pilko

    Joe Kinnear

    Q: What does Newcastle's interim manager say when he is acting as Vincent van Gough? A: "Ow, my fucc kinn-ear" I'm here all week ladies and gents.
  21. Spurs finally win a game.... http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/2059/spudswinda3.th.jpghttp://img134.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif
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