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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. I was about to post about exactly the same thing. The part that they fail to realise is that whilst our fans will initially say "that's a shit decision" at the time, we've moved on by the next day and our manager hasn't thrown his toys out the pram like a little bitch either. They were posting and commenting on stuff for weeks about the supposed injustice that they suffered and still haven't let it go the weird cunts.
  2. Mbappe is absolutely shite as well. How overrated can you get. Knock in a hattrick against Amiens but when he plays a proper team he needs corruption to give him a goal.
  3. Pilko

    Lewis Miley

    He's excellent. And he's going to be a world beater.
  4. Never thought I'd be so disappointed after a draw away at PSG. Great performance from the lads, so unlucky. Never 8 mins added on and never a pen. I thought if it deflects off your body onto your arm it's therefore not a pen? We had one overturned Vs Arsenal last season at home for that, must be a PL only interpretation of the rules. Win next time and we get Europa as a minimum or second place if PSG fail to win. Hope we do it, we deserve it.
  5. Hope the VAR and the ref both die in a house fire. Cunts.
  6. Pilko

    Lewis Miley

    Definitely, some of the French birds in Paris are absolutely class.
  7. People sure are making a lot of the 3 keepers thing. We only get 5 subs that we can make per game, he's included 6 outfield players that he trusts (to differing degrees) to introduce into the pitch - given all 6 got on bar Parkinson, who had 25 mins at Bournemouth. He may well only trust the academy lads for short cameos or giving the senior lads a breather late on but he's clearly selected lads he can trust to do that rather than just populate the bench with lads who aren't ready and he won't ever use. Granted there's like an absolute fractionally miniscule chance that we manage to go through Pope, Dubravka, Karius and Gillespie in one match due to injury or red cards but better to have them all sat there than empty seats. Imagine if our injury/suspension crisis suddenly extended to the goalkeeping department and we had an empty seat instead of a registered keeper we needed to use? There'd be hell on if we suddenly had to hoy an outfielder in net. I understand there's a point to then be made about the depth/quality of our U23/academy if we can't scrape together another couple of lads who he can trust, but it's a long process to sort out the shambolic shell it was when we were bought 2 years ago and a lot of the promising ones are out on loan anyway.
  8. Feel like I've said it so many times already this season, but yet again we've racked up goals with a bunch of different goalscorers. It's great how we're not reliant on just the strikers or one player having a purple patch. Great spread today - one from defence, one midfield, one wide and one striker.
  9. Pilko

    Lewis Miley

    Did really well again today, keep forgetting he's only 17. The assist was class, otherwise he kept it simple and tried to pass forwards as much as possible and he looked very assured. Players of that age in a central midfield position can sometimes be bullied or look physically off it but that just hasn't happened so far.
  10. That's twice Lascelles has done that today, proper circa 2018 play from him.
  11. Harrison Ashby gone off after 10 mins for Swansea, the injury curse now extending to our loan players
  12. Lascelles did shite giving the ball away, but it wasn't a foul for the slight tap on the shoulder from Trippier. Not sure my post was that confusing?
  13. Schar in the warm up given how this season is going.
  14. Pilko

    Joe Willock

    Who the fuck is running our medical department? What an absolute shambles.
  15. And now the wall pushers equalise after they should have been 2-0 down. Of course. Cunts.
  16. That's never a foul on the goalkeeper in a million years for fucks sake. It's not fucking netball.
  17. Man City 3-1 Liverpool Burnley 1-2 West Ham Luton 0-2 Palace Newcastle 1-0 Chelsea Forest 1-2 Brighton Sheff United 0-2 Bournemouth Brentford 0-2 Arsenal Spurs 2-2 Villa Everton 0-1 Man United Fulham 1-1 Wolves
  18. Calvert-Lewin deary me. We should see if Duncan Ferguson wants to come out of retirement or failing that see if Darren Anderton wants to get his boots back on and play as a striker.
  19. I can just imagine his view on Schar, a central defender who could actually pass the ball and play. "Bloody fancy dan faffing about too much, needs to clear it, get it into touch, defend properly not lark about with the ball"
  20. He was playing back threes with Schar on the bench, Clark and Krafth were in there ahead of him FFS
  21. Pilko


    Apparently they have Rico Lewis as man of the match
  22. Pilko


    I can't wait to get the Southgate era over with. Win, lose or draw its turgid, cautious shite.
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