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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Pilko

    Loïc Remy

    It would explain the persistence with Shola, like.
  2. It would take a special level of idiot to put Taylor back in. Good thing we're not managed by one.
  3. Aye, technically we could only sign De Jong on a permanent deal and that'd still be true.
  4. "This is what you're doing if you invest in new players too often" http://www.43folders.com/images/WhoCaresWins-shot.jpg
  5. I translate that as "Remy and Shola will be off, and Papiss is shit, so better see if that Armstrong lad is any cop"
  6. Knowing this silly cunt that probably means Shola and Steven playing up top.
  7. Pilko

    Paul Dummett

    Dummett is nowhere near one-paced enough to make a comparison like that tbh.
  8. Score draw. Gonna be sat in the Hull corporate section for this.
  9. Not sure if I agree with scrapping replays, as the whole point of a cup run for lower league teams is the money it brings and this often from them earning a replay away at a Premier League team or whatever. Perhaps a system where teams can agree before the fixture to bin off the replay if it's mutually sought to do so?
  10. The last £1.50 in my account went on Olympiakos, to return a whopping £5.25 if they hang on. Dem gains
  11. Just noticed there's no thread for Hull yet. Apathy really has set in
  12. Yeah, there'll be a market for "to win the cup" too at a reduced price.
  13. I love it when he puts three defenders on the bench like. Especially when two are both left-backs or centre backs.
  14. I think the majority of fans would have been delighted with a dour, grinding performance and a late winner if that kind of game was the exception, not the rule.
  15. Same here, but I'm slightly more comfortable seeing him with the ball at his feet now. I can remember shitting myself a lot more when Robbie Elliott used to do those mental dribbles inside his own penalty area.
  16. I definitely celebrated that tackle more than Remy's goal. There was applause all around the bar I was in for that tackle, even from the neutrals.
  17. According to Pardew today was a 10/10 for effort (which makes no sense with Sissoko half-arsedly shambling about for much of the game) and a 6/10 for creativity I'd fucking hate to see a 1/10 if that's the case. Would we just play with a goalie and ten defenders in a straight back line?
  18. It was an absolutely garbage game apart from the final five or ten minutes, aye. The preceding 80 were comprised of two negative managers trying to out-stifle each other.
  19. I thought he did very well considering he was doing his normal duty in possession as well as trying to link the play from midfield. He's one of those that your average fan will dismiss as "too small" or "doesn't do owt", but does a lot of good things for us.
  20. Was very pleased with Dummett's showing today, one awful slip and squandering of possession on the halfway line aside. Should stay in the side in the short-term for sure. He looks promising.
  21. How many times did he let an easy touch wriggle out for a throw today?! Abysmal technique.
  22. That block tackle to completely nullify a threatening Villa break in the second half; I think I celebrated more than the goal. Really pleased for Mike that he doesn't have to suffer playing with that prick Taylor anymore... for now.
  23. I still clapped and said GET IN! but the usual feeling of euphoria and unbridled joy lasted about 15 seconds.
  24. Dummett and Colo replacing Santon and Taylor is just what we need IMO. No Taylor, I feel like celebrating already.
  25. Gonna wait til I see today's team; if Taylor is starting I'm gonna throw another £20 at Villa I think.
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