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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Really hope we boo this dick every time he steps foot on a pitch wearing black and white.
  2. Corking bit of business.
  3. Wonder who their source is...
  4. Stop going to games. Or you could speak out at the games? Neither method has been proven... People have spoken out at games, nowt's happened. Playing in front of a half-empty stadium would send more of a message than anything else.
  5. As if anyone, on here or not, is fucking stupid/spineless enough to actually pay money to watch this bollocks.
  6. Very much doubt it unless you're using an extremely generous bookie.
  7. Whoever wins the league.
  8. I was hoping for Shola as well but small mercies Shola's couldn't be rescinded.
  9. Ash

    Players in public

    Better than being so fucking fat.
  10. Ash

    Football pet hates

    I generally just find him a prick anyway as he's full of shite but he reckons the banners that we've had made for Sunday are embarrassing. Coming from that absolute twunt. Precisely. He's been saying HBA is overrated too. Sewelly kindly pointed out that he tweeted this, less than a month ago: Umar Farooq ‏@umaronline Apr 12 @nufcfans Dear Alan Pardew, please build your team around Hatem Ben Arfa. Regards, Farooq. But it's the banners that are embarrassing.
  11. Ash

    Football pet hates

    I generally just find him a prick anyway as he's full of shite but he reckons the banners that we've had made for Sunday are embarrassing.
  12. Barcelona can win the title now if the win their last 2 games? If Atletico loses both yes. Atletico point against Malaga and the title is theirs unless Barcelona helps Real Madrid out. Valladolid takes themselves above the relegation zone as well. Nope. Barca win both games and it doesn't matter what Atleti do this weekend.
  13. Not a rumour as such but Don Hutchinson reckons we should go for Tony Hibbert. :lol:
  14. Correct. It's easy to say in hindsight you'd cash out but it wouldn't have been the right thing to do to maximise profit/guaranteed return.
  15. Widespread corruption? Yeah, I think so. nah this I mean http://www.espn.co.uk/football/sport/story/171170.html I actually think it's a good idea Hard to financially incentivise Barca players mind Yeah just wondered really. I think it's a good idea personally. Stops teams switching off Aye, if there's one thing football/footballers really needs it's moar money.
  16. Ash

    Gateshead FC

    Lee Ryder ‏@lee_ryder 3m Neilson SENT OFF for shocking challenge on Baxter. Grimsby down to 10 men! #heedarmy Mark Douglas ‏@MsiDouglas 2m Soft red for ex #bcafc schemer Neilson... Gateshead in pole position now :lol:
  17. Ash

    Loïc Remy

    I think it's very telling he's never had a song. He's had one for a while now. Has he? Never heard it. Aye: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,55202.msg4846228.html#msg4846228 Learn something new everyday. Guess him being injured / us being shite hasn't helped it being sung much. Sounds about right.
  18. Ash

    Loïc Remy

    I think it's very telling he's never had a song. He's had one for a while now. Has he? Never heard it. Aye: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,55202.msg4846228.html#msg4846228
  19. Ash

    Loïc Remy

    I think it's very telling he's never had a song. He's had one for a while now.
  20. Main/only reason I'm going is to see the mentals kick off tbh. I hope it's fucking glorious, I'd love to see people running towards the dugout and assault the cunt. Widespread shouting/screaming/swearing at him - like hundreds and hundreds all spewing bile at him, just full-on, 100% abuse. People getting thrown out, arguing with stewards if they try to confiscate banners. I want the fucking works - anarchy. Widespread and extensive rampage from all 4 stands. Escort him from the dugout for his own safety etc.
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