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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Can't believe Clattenburg booked him for that ffs. What a prick.
  2. Ash

    Kevin Keegan

    Kind of liked Ash obviously. He's a bellend now Pretty certain you were sat alongside me.
  3. Ash

    Pre-Season 2014

    We're probably copying theirs.
  4. Would have been better if he hadn't bothered with football at all.
  5. http://file051.bebo.com/8/large/2010/07/21/05/2613342807a12660745380l.jpg
  6. He's always class on Twitter. There was a documentary made about him when he was Leyton Orient manager where he was a bit of a charlie, but hilarious. He's a taxi driver now and pulls no punches with anyone still in the game. We had to watch that for one of our modules at Uni, to basically highlight what a cunt he is. Same Think it was quite comfortably my favourite ever lecture.
  7. He's always class on Twitter. There was a documentary made about him when he was Leyton Orient manager where he was a bit of a charlie, but hilarious. He's a taxi driver now and pulls no punches with anyone still in the game. We had to watch that for one of our modules at Uni, to basically highlight what a cunt he is.
  8. I'll be doing the same. Last game for a while so I'm going to make it count.
  9. I find that astonishing tbh. He's always been a cunt. Far too many people up his arse saying what an amazing pundit he is, been like it for far too long as well. Started off okay then turned out how I expected, clueless. Talks a good game with tactics but his general knowledge of the game is shocking.
  10. Aye, silly us wanting the team not to lose 14 out of 19 games. What a set of unrealistic bastards we are.
  11. What exactly has Neville been saying? Same as Pardew... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEumDLau4CI
  12. Gary Neville with yet more uneducated guff when talking about us.
  13. Pardew's best mate Big Mike doing the team-talk in the huddle. "Let's win it for Pards, boys!"
  14. Remember a few weeks ago when he said he would front up to anything and not hide? That lasted long.
  15. not only the money but eases pressure on pardle this si fucking horrendous It'd be class if we were all watching it together somewhere. Toon shirts on and cheering every time Arsenal score whilst encouraging them to score more.
  16. The collective annoyance of a Newcastle United forum if we don't get battered tonight will be incredible.
  17. Ash

    José Mourinho

    To go to Anfield without Hazard and win 2-0 is nothing less than masterful. That squad should never really be anywhere near to winning the league with two games to go.
  18. We're not going to get beat, are we?
  19. Ash

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pardew just blatantly lying again then. Will any of the media question him? Will they fuck.
  20. Short-term. Deluded wanker.
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