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Everything posted by Ash

  1. He is but that probably causes more problems than it solves for Man Utd if he plays there.
  2. As good as he is, where will he play? Reeks of trying to sign a big name player to appease people rather than signing somebody who is actually needed to improve the team.
  3. Settled on being shite. Utterly disgusting the way this has all panned out. Fuck off Pardew.
  4. Ash

    Paul Gascoigne

    Think your fears may be realised the next time it is bumped looking at the state of him there.
  5. Is it not just horrendous lighting?
  6. It's the bloke who said it. Point still stands mind.
  7. Like virtually every single team in the world, then.
  8. With a bit of luck he'll start charging them to sit on the bench too, might make them fuck off.
  9. Real Madrid, Chelsea, Man Utd, etc. don't need to tolerate bad eggs - they'll simply spend massive amounts of money to replace them. We don't have that luxury.
  10. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/393676/Back-in-Toon-Alan-Pardew-and-the-Newcastle-fans-back-on-good-terms What more do you want, Dave? We beat Real Sociedad in a friendly, that easily surpasses the shit of the last two seasons.
  11. This, mainly due to our arsehole manager spending the full week telling the world how amazing Man City are and how we can't compete with them.
  12. From a technical standpoint that was much better but just the f***ing thrill of him doing that out of nothing in such a s***, depressing game meant the world. Exactly my thoughts and exactly why I prefer the Bolton goal. A school playground goal if ever there was one. The Blackburn one was better, but I enjoy the Bolton one a lot more. Same here.
  13. Bellamy and Dyer were consistently better than him (when on the pitch). I don't think Hatem would've got into the Keegan side. He'd take Solano's place in the Bobby side but by no means would the team be more geared to him than Shearer, Bellamy or Robert. Not sure consistency is a fair comparison tbh. HBA's consistency levels would undoubtedly be higher under a Keegan or a Robson and Dyer wouldn't have been as consistent (which wasn't exactly one of his strengths) under Pardew. KK and Bobby would have put an arm around HBA whenever he needed it. They'd have both played to his strengths, he'd have enjoyed the style of football both played and he'd have produced a lot more consistently with them as manager because of it.
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