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Everything posted by dinotheprehistoricgeordie

  1. Hope to never see the cunt again. 90% of this team aren't even on the pitch. You could barely call them professionals.
  2. Taylor and Shelvey doing their utmost to put our 3rd choice keeper under pressure
  3. I think Ashley's reign as head of this club has demonstrated that there is little to no planning here. We were lucky with Hughton, Nolan, Carroll and co last time. I don't think we'll be as lucky next season.
  4. This is such an important game, not sure I can stomach watching it. I've not been nervous since Villa away in our relegation season.
  5. Mbemba running down the pitch and taking a ludicrous shot from about 30 yards out
  6. Surely Wenger is getting sacked if they go out and fail to win the League again.
  7. It's an 8 for me as we still have problems at CB and LB. If Rafa had been hired a few weeks earlier I would be a lot more confident, but I can't see us beating Sunderland at the moment (I'm a pessimist). With two relegation spots open and effectively three teams battling it out for those spots, losing to Sunderland would a huge blow. Our players have shown little mental resilience in the past, and that game is going to massive. Had Rafa had a few games to get a run going I would have been far more confident about beating the mackems, and in turn our survival. Swansea will pick up a win against Villa, they also have Stoke and us still to play. Stoke's form is all over the place so I can see them getting something there. As or us, I don't have a clue what kind of team we will be at that point. Palace have Norwich and us as winnable games. I can see Pardew getting lucky enough to pick up a few more points which should keep them up. It all depends on how quickly Benitez can turn around a team which has been floundering for years.
  8. Very late to the show, but I'm over the moon with this. Still might go wrong but fuck it, it's nice to have something to be optimistic about. http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u289/Dinomasic/ZCjDCtN_zps9w1ofcnj.gif
  9. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Iu2axEdxvq8/VeNBsDg4KUI/AAAAAAAAQ5A/JdB37p4ju0g/s1600/wait_for_it.gif
  10. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--nfKUZ1-r--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_320/ewscibnte5emupat3cbp.gif :lol:
  11. The ban on criticizing Dalglish was funny.
  12. Sam Allardyce has never been in the shit as badly as they are such an incorrect myth like. they're looking far more likely than us or Norwich to stay up.
  13. I don't subscribe to this idea of experience in a relegation fight. A manager should concentrate on winning, regardless of table position. If Rafa can get them playing like theyre challenging for the Champions League then all the better. The issue is low dressing room moral. If Rafa can instill some belief in this team we can maybe get away with having a terrible back four (or three).
  14. Sam is a proven manager in a relegation fight. I've not looked over his records but I assume Benitez has never been in this kind of situation, so it's not completely a stupid statement by the mackem.
  15. Just caught up on all of this, it would be amazing if we got him. In typical NUFC fashion he would probably get us relegated, though
  16. http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u289/Dinomasic/B8Icw6q_zpsdivtswue.gif
  17. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j316/liz_marcs/Reaction%20Gifs/X8Ufi_zps62cda975.gif
  18. You had this argument with KI a few pages ago. Regardless of whether you think a lot of his good signings were obvious, he still made/suggested them. There are plenty of similar deals made in the premier league which don't work out. He's obviously had a hand in some awful transfers but there's not a single scout in the league who has a spotless record. He would be an asset to the club if he worked for a good manager purely as a scout.
  19. He's a good scout, he's found some good players in his time here. But he simply shouldn't be in control of who we buy, it's not working at all.
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