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Big River

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Everything posted by Big River

  1. seems incredibly unlikely we'd be looking to shift Wood without bringing in a replacement first.
  2. just the 1.1b net spend for poor old Man Utd. Glazers out!!
  3. ah yeah, that was good to be fair it just needed a bit more oomph ENJOY THE GAME
  4. I did thoroughly enjoy the game, thanks. but what's wrong with wanting better for the likes of Wor Flags who work their nuts off to improve our atmosphere?
  5. feel like I'm always shitting on the PA bloke but he was rubbish again last night. started the scarf waving too early. poor timings and crap choice of music pre and post match. a half-time poem ffs. announcing the score before each scorer. it's criticism, but coming from a good place, we're so close to having something really really special. just don't think he ever helps our cause.
  6. did he mean he wanted to go the World Cup as a fan? cos that's the only way he'd be getting near the France squad
  7. bit of a strange take, Ritchie was one of our better performers.
  8. We'll have these lot. They are dog sh*t. ^ a post off their forum but it's pretty much what I was about to post here
  9. Eh BuT I oRdErEd a 200 qUiD HoOdY oNcE aNd It WaS FiNe
  10. Big River

    Garang Kuol

    what is actually wrong with people, man? both cities are class.
  11. fwiw, Howe said he wanted to get a full pre-match preparation under his belt, rather than bring him on.
  12. not really. if you're organised you can get tickets absolutely no problem.
  13. some underestimate, some overestimate. the point I was making is that the answer is somewhere in between.
  14. the whole team gets the credit for our defensive record. Howe, Pope, and even Burn last night literally said that. it's a bit simplistic to think it's purely down to our LB, but fair enough crack on.
  15. I think some are seriously overestimating the job he has been doing too
  16. aye, and he was absolutely dreadful. we need to start showing a bit of ambition man. Manquillo and Lewis ffs get them both in the bin!
  17. Leeds were far bigger shit houses the other day. but because it wasn’t on Sky or against any of the ESL 6 nobody cares. it’s part of the game, whether people like it or not. we need to get used it ourselves, it’ll happen more and more once the ignorance lifts and enough people realise we’re a top team.
  18. you were doing so well until that last paragraph
  19. it’s class please keep thinking that you ignorant fucks. we’ll just carry on going about our business. we know the truth.
  20. Eddie’s got Mik Arteta’s number He knows exactly what we need…
  21. more excited than nervous. just looking forward to watching Eddie's mags on the box, and knowing win, lose, or draw we'll have gone there aiming for maximum points. a club that tries, man what a feeling. fuck Mike Ashley. howay the lads!!
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