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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Agreed. Hats off to Yedlin, he's probably just behind Shelvey and Gayle in terms of his importance to our season now. Fantastic energy and technically much better than I expected. His ability mixed with Rafa's mentorship could turn him into a real player in that position. He does occasionally get caught out of position but his pace gets him out of trouble. That won't happen as much in the Premiership but then again, he's still learning and so I expect him to be fine. Yes that's true but I feel Rafa will obviously know this and will adjust to it tactically. I don't think he would expect Yedlin to get back to position every time he got upfield, especially if it's part of his instruction and our general attacking play.
  2. themanupstairs

    Paul Dummett

    Have to agree with this. The Full-back position these days requires a dynamic athlete to play on his toes. Dummett is a decent defender but he's anything but dynamic. I can see him become our 3rd choice CB in the next couple of years. Will not sustain a career at LB for much longer IMO.
  3. He's not ready for a full PL season that's for sure, but neither is Colback and he's been starting for us and the mackems for years. We definitely need an upgrade but if it was a straight choice between Hayden and powder-puff gingerback, I know who I'd go for.
  4. Agreed. Hats off to Yedlin, he's probably just behind Shelvey and Gayle in terms of his importance to our season now. Fantastic energy and technically much better than I expected. His ability mixed with Rafa's mentorship could turn him into a real player in that position.
  5. This. It was pretty much the only chance he had and he snatched at it. A player very low on confidence and even less match minutes, and he knows he's under scrutiny since the penalty miss. Rafa has given him the chance to atone quickly, and he wasn't THAT bad tbf to him. On another day that chance would have been buried and we would be praising his overall performance. Jury still out for me probably because I'm biased towards the potential player in him rather than what he actually is.
  6. I think that is Mickel Anita. Antia
  7. Rafa isn't only the best manager we have had at the club for a long time, but also the absolute best person too. His detractors can honestly fuck off. He isn't flawless by any stretch as a manager, but he gives me a feeling of pride in NUFC that no one else has since the days of Sir Bobby. The pride he takes in his own hard work, his professionalism and understanding of what the fans want, and what it takes to win, are unrivalled.
  8. Some of the bed-wetting is quite unbelievable. So Benitez makes mistakes. Big f***ing deal! No one will give a f*** about getting to the 6th round of the cup and finishing 3rd in the league, losing in the playoff final. There is only one objective this season. Some people forget the dark days this club has seen as a footballing entity. Rafa can't change all that in one season. So he starts Shelvey, Ritchie and Yedlin for example, and one of them gets knacked and it would have been: Rafa useless w***** should be resting our better players against Oxford ffs. Three points against QPR are far important than an unlikely cup run iyam.
  9. He won you 6 free-kicks against Palace one time you ungrateful f***! And then pardew called him the "chaos factor". Deluded
  10. "Best league in the milky way" my arse
  11. Fuck. Hope this means he'll be alright now!
  12. Me too but we're clearly making a pig's ear of this promotion campaign. It is so clear in my mind.
  13. What does this no mark think he's doing scoring goals? Doesn't he know we should never have bought him in the first place? Cunt
  14. 7-0 Gouffran will get a hattrick. Murphy, Shelvey, Ritchie and Hayden.
  15. One of the perks of having someone like Benitez manage your club is the trust and confidence he exudes. Fuck the pessimists. I know Rafa is only human, but he embodies all the good human and footballing values I want to see at NUFC. There was nothing in that interview to suggest that he's uncomfortable or that he wasn't telling the truth.
  16. Barring two red cards for both Lukaku and Firmino, looks like 100+ for this gameweek which is exactly what I needed to get back up there in my league.
  17. Was there a pen and a sending off given?
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