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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. any other Ghanaians they might want to bring?
  2. On the contrary. Nigeria is probably the wealthiest African state. But also the most corrupt nation on the planet. Which is why I wouldn't want a Nigerian consortium anywhere near the club.
  3. absolutely no chance Oliver knows something
  4. Perhaps he tried to fight his corner? Just a thought mind. I know it's a bit out there. Probably he did, but he didn't stick around, did he? From the point of view of the wellbeing of the club, he simply could not have picked a worsr time to leave. I agree about the timing of his leaving. But if he felt he could no longer work under Ashley and co. then would you want him to stay? Yes! inform Ashley that he needs to find another manager by January, and stick around and manage the club he "loves", for the sake of the fans he "loves"
  5. s*** scared of Barcelona we were Can you please remind me how we did overall that season and how good the rest of our performances were? We were exceptional. Won the league didn't we?
  6. shit scared of Barcelona we were
  7. no chance of either happening as long as ashley and wise are in charge! Wise probably controlled the deflection from a remote location, and an ashley fart distracted owen making him wince as the ball landed on his head
  8. I personally have a lot of time for Dalglish the manager. I'd have him here at the moment
  9. A consortium scraping the bottom of a barrel to buy us? Nah fuck that!!
  10. Well the reason why I post on N-O and not on other forums is because generally speaking I've found the level and quality of debate and opinion to be that bit higher here. You occasionally have to put up with a bit of abuse, but on other sites it's far worse. I'm not signing up because this is in reality a pressure group that takes a particular stance on a dispute between the owner and the ex-manager. I don't care what name is attached to the organisation. I think their stance is a naive and incorrect one, and their attempt to intervene is harming the club. well said I have signed up, as I would like to keep tabs on the situation, and in principle do support the idea of NUSC. Having said that, you absolutely cannot convince me that this group has NOT sprouted up now to add its voice to those trying to drive Ashley out. For the record, again, I think he should sell up by now. But I do support him and what he tried to do for the club, and will continue to support him should he pull through this period with any level of dignity and credibility. IMO, althoug he has made a mistake, he hasn't fucked up as badly as some think he has, and the reaction of the masses has been way over the top, and totally unnecessary. And I'll stick my neck out and agree 100% with Bobyule in that the fans' reaction has played a massive role in our spiraling situation.
  11. themanupstairs


    suffered a setback iirc
  12. right on the money. Shepherd is still a twat, but I've no doubt he wanted the club to succeed.
  13. Read the GUTS thread in GC for tips on how to get that smoke out your ass
  14. Ashley: Right-o boys, let's head out to Dewbai and pretend we're off on some serious bizness lolz Wise: grayt idee boss! im with ya LL: hmmm Ashley: We'll make believe that we're selling the club, but instead we'll get sat in the boozer all night and do fuck all Wise: grayt idee boss! im with ya LL: hmmm So Ahley and his cronies head out there, safe in thinking that we think they're off to do serious business with some mega rich arabs, when their sole intentions are to suck cocktails and sit around chatting shit until this craze blows over. But alas! lo and behold, a few people out in Dubai recognise our 3 partners in slime, and blow the whistle on their antics. And now Ashley and co. are further embarrassed, having had no idea that their malicious plan to fool us yet again could have been exposed to the righteous and just media in the UK. Really now. Are there people out there who believe the above is what really happened? Give me a fucking break!
  15. imo just as long as this supporters' club is involved in the protests against the current incumbents, to me it means it has already taken sides, and does not represent me as a fan. i feel others will see it this way, and in the long term (although i hope i'm wrong), the NUSC will fail. and miserably
  16. that's the crux imo. NUFC vs. Football in general which is more important? the sport or the club? if the sport didn't exist, the club wouldn't exist and vice versa which would you give up first? football? or NUFC? i think in 99.99% of supporters' minds, they're one and the same. if you can't give one up, you cant give up the other top thread NE5
  17. That sounds like a plan to me. Sounds even better than a plan to me. Sounds like an action plan
  18. Agree with Thomas' now famous "pure conjecture" catch phrase. HTT, you could look at it from another angle. Ashley thinks we want a multi billionaire with a bottomless pit to be in charge of the club, and he's trying to do his bit touting us to the some of the richest groups on the planet. Your threads and posts are starting to turn into pure unjustified propaganda. Ease up soldier and wait to see what transpires.
  19. YOu have to ask yourself why he's being loaned out. I remember when Anelka was loaned out to Liverpool at some point. So what;s your point?
  20. :lol: i think i've just cracked 4 ribs and done my hernia. :lol: should have used crypt instead of coffin. mackems.gif Will anyone answer him or do we let him argue with himself? draw up a roster and work in shifts. i'm in i'll do the graveyard shift
  21. i wonder who will buy us after Shepherd comes back in and makes a mess of it again. i bet he won't be any better either. so i will go on record from now to say: guy after 2nd coming of shepherd OUT!
  22. I disagree. I thought he showed for the ball at every opportunity, passing and moving, and even won it back a couple of times. Some of the passes he attempted were at least more inventive than whatever else we have currently. Not saying he IS the answer, but he could definitely be one of the better options we have for the position at the moment.
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