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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Love it, especially this one King of the North
  2. What world do these morons live in? Carragher is thick as pig shit, and the only reason he's on television is his annoying voice.
  3. He's been a bit of an unsung "factor" (nothing heroic or owt) in our recent record IMO. He's performed like a number 1 goalkeeper for a club our size should. I hope and reckon he'll go further than we expect in his career. Seems a good character as well.
  4. Ideally we'll get them in the FA Cup Quarters, we smash them for 5 at the radiation zone, and then they go down on the last day, along with Palace who we beat in the Semis.
  5. Couldn't care less if this ubercunt starts as long as we're winning. Rafa clearly has eyes, and has also obviously improved the ginger scrote.
  6. The Sun shines out of Rafa's arsehole.
  7. No real effort has gone into making that even remotely believable
  8. It's Friday night. I've had a few cans. We have a big game this weekend and I can't fucking wait. Rafa Benitez is the manager of NUFC. Does it get better than this? I don't think so.
  9. Damn dude take a deep breath and go back a page to read Baba's post
  10. I'd have a bit of that! Does he play in a midfield 2 or 3 baba?
  11. IMO I would trust Rafa to know that we need to add a top quality CF if we got promoted. I don't feel that under Rafa we would need to rely on someone like Sturridge to "save" us. I'd much rather put my faith in Rafa's knowledge and system and give it time to work in the Premier League than to waste money on an absolute crock who can't get into a "team" currently because he is the furthest thing from a team player. Sturridge is perfect for someone like al pards. No game plan, just improvise, and hope he scores enough goals. For the price he would command, fuck that no thanks.
  12. Only if his fee was a relative steal. 20 odd million I'd have him but would never want us to pay full price for a crock who is only in it for himself anyway.
  13. Knowing Rafa that will be 100% genuine. Also, the Chronicle's website is an infected dried up anus full of puss and maggot larvae.
  14. Aye, never thought I would say it but I hope Liverpool win the league. Man City would have been a decent club to cheer on for the true supporters, but they have gained too many glory hunters and there are empty seats throughout the ground since it's expansion. Ditto. Very likeable manager, likeable players, no diving cheating cunts, no tantrums and no chest beating bollocks. A tornado of functionality and constant movement, they play like a team and don't rely on one man. The fact that they actually play worse when Sturridge is on the pitch speaks volumes. I hope they can sustain this "heavy metal football" and go on to win it.
  15. Why not since 2009? I'm sure it's blatantly obvious and I'm just thick as f*** for not knowing I'm being facetious, 2009 was the first time poppies appeared on Premier League, and subsequently England shirts. Now it's making its way into the f***ing House of Commons, how much of a disgrace it is that they can't have one on the shirt for a particular game. Never seemed to bother anyone in the 88 years they went without but of course that wasn't in an era when we must all show extremely publicly how deeply sad we are about something, as much and as obviously as possible. Surprised an 11th minute applause hasn't been mooted yet. Bang on the fucking money as per!
  16. Lascelles? Thick? WTF? I highly doubt Benitez would have made him captain at such a young age had he been "thick as mince".
  17. Doubly delicious. Could've been tearing up the division here and learning from Benitez instead. Idiot Don't blame Townsend for wanting to get back into the premiership to help his England aspirations, but Palace and Pardew or us and Rafa? He deserves all he gets from that choice, he only had to ask ffs. That is skewed logic IMO. Rather than worry about which club he plays for, maybe he should care more about playing 90 minutes week in week out and improving himself as a footballer, so that, not only does he get an England call-up, but be one of the first names on an England team sheet. Imagine moving to Crystal Palace for ambition. Fuck off
  18. For NUFC specifically I'd have Rafa over Klopp. Rafa brings us much needed grounding. With Klopp you feel it would be a great, short, fun stint that ends up in tears. There's more longevity to be gained from Rafa for a club like ours recovering from years of neglect.
  19. How in the fuck am I 2nd in the N-O league? I'm dizzy.
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