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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Tbf he's getting on a bit now. What is he 21? 22? Past his best clearly.
  2. Fancy us against anyone in the cup with Rafa in charge #dilutedjawdey
  3. Nathan fucking Redmond should be sitting on two goals and an assist at least. Fucks sake!
  4. Deadline has already passed for this weekend, so it'll have to be for next week. Mate, Ian plays some weird Match magazine shit from 1995.
  5. Had him as captain this morning. Switched to Lukaku. Both with easy home fixtures. I just think Lukaku is more likely to be the main source of goals for his team whereas with City, you can literally pick out 4 or 5 who could contribute.
  6. I think the second word is "Hill". Not been able to catch the first.
  7. Love to know what wums like chrisbabalooba make of our start to the season.
  8. He might not cut the mustard. Has he come up against that cock Thauvin yet?
  9. Fuck me how amazing was that support? I'm not saying we definitely have the best away support, but genuine question, who brings such support to St. James'? Who comes close? Who betters it?
  10. Rafa's Didi Hamann. End of.
  11. Great listen that. Very interesting what he said about backing the players and not overreacting to setbacks. A few of the fannies on here could definitely do with listening to that bit. Yeah. There are a few fannies on here that don't back players. There's one in particular that overreacts about and hates on Mitro quite regularly I don't hate him, I just don't think he's very good and don't understand the worship of the kid. I've certainly never got on his back at any point at the game. If you want to see real hatred, get on the Colback, Gouffran or Dummett thread son. Players that have been here an eternity in comparison to Mitrovic. Nice try.
  12. Not sure how Napoli fans see him, but he simply wasn't loved at Chelsea or Real Madrid, and I reckon he needs us as much as we need him. He wants to be appreciated and allowed to paint his masterpiece and be loved for it. He can absolutely have that here.
  13. English isn't even his first language but Rafa doesn't erm and arrr all over the place in his interviews. He knows exactly what he wants to say, and it all comes from the heart. Compare that to interviews conducted by most PFM's and especially the last 3 dickheads who managed us. I suppose it's easier for a manager to sound good when you're winning and wiping the floor with the division. Then again, I still always hated al pards interviews when we finished 5th as he always sounded like a snake oil salesman.
  14. Never a truer word said on this forum.
  15. Signed up to NUFCTV for the radio coverage, paid for the season. Managed to log in and listen to Huddersfield. Since then I've not been able to use the service at all, and can't even log into my account. I have had a back and forth with NUFCTV tech support but they are about as useless as soluble powdered water.
  16. This. I don't even feel the need to comment on team selection at all anymore. Whatever Rafa does is good for me I agree, except pick Colback. I'm ok with that as long as we win tbh.
  17. He'll shift Ritchie to the left and play Yedlin on the right, especially if Mitrovic will start.
  18. Same. I liked him in the world cup but hated him at the mackems and was determined to give him grief when he joined but I can't help it. Could be a good laugh watching him leave some cloggers for dead in this division.
  19. This guy has come in under the radar the past few games but I can see him developing into a massive figure for us this season. His experience and quality is a cut above in this league. He worked his arse to a pulp at Derby. If that chip had been on target...
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