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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Of course it's a fucking penalty It's as clear a deliberate handball as you'll see. He moves his elbows out to the ball to block the shot. Have to say I only really want Leicester to win the league for Ranieri and to stick two fingers up at the "elite". I fucking hate their players. Lucky cunts.
  2. BeIn has Anita at LB. Keegan actually said: "I like this midfield, Shelvey and Colback"..... Perez behind Mitrovic and Wijanldum wide left.
  3. Are people really still looking for the reason why these utter mongs love Pardew but can't stand Benitez? Is it really even worth wondering? Couldn't give a rat's undescended bollock what they think. Rafa's here now and by Jah I hope he sticks it to them by keeping us up with a few matches to spare. Imagine if we won say 8 of our last 10
  4. I think in this game we'll see what a thin line there is between success and failure. I don't think we'll win it, but I reckon we'll see our players walk on to the pitch with their heads high and chests out. They'll be as eager as the fans for Monday night to come. This is all assuming they're professionals who love the game of football. I don't know if we're deluded, have suffered for too long, or what it is, but it just feels like something special is about to happen.
  5. What work rate? Well if there's one positive of Colback, he puts a shift in with his needless amount of running around that he does. Absolute myth. Mind you having said that, if Rafa can utilise this useless twat somehow in a winning side, then i'll have no complaints whatsoever.
  6. How amazing does this feel? As with the many posts I've read on here, I was asked by friends last night: "you're all chipper and s***, what's up? you get laid"? No my friends, I didn't get laid. It's even better. We have Rafa Benitez. Its amazing the impact that optimism about your football team can have on one's mood and outlook. Thanks to all the LFC supporters getting on here to wish us well and let us know what we're in for. There's no room for hesitation or doubt. It is an absolute must that the entire city gets behind the club, the manager and the players. Despite the problems we have, we must have the belief that we can beat anybody. It's all about attitude from here forth. I'm actually glad we have that game in hand now, even if it's against Man City, as I now believe we have a proper chance to beat them.
  7. Title of "manager". Cathro and Simon Smith (GK coach have stayed back). No word on Carr. 3 year deal seems to have a relegation clause according to SSN but nothing officially confirmed.
  8. Proof that Newcastle United can still attract the elite in the world of football. Spare me the "but the money lolz" bollocks. This ain't exactly some nondescript club in some no-mark league paying him wads of cash. Mike Ashley simply HAS to wake up and realize that he owns a massive club and should start running it accordingly.
  9. Holy shit this has happened!! Glad to see we have kept Cathro and Smith on, and that Pecchia has joined! What an emotional investment this has been for us, and I hope there's some kind of fucking reward at the end of it all.
  10. Good news at NUFC always tends to happen while I'm away from the forum doing other shit. Going to the surgeon to get my stitches out. Guarantee Benitez will be announced while I'm out. Give it an hour or so.
  11. And year on year the fans just bend over and take it up the backside while handing the fat cunt their money.
  12. FFS mate, I just rushed out and got his face tattooed on my cock :rant: Could've been worse tbh
  13. One of the most detestable characters in football. Made for each other.
  14. His record speaks for itself, so hopefully he'll have enough respect in the dressing room to get the players to buck up their ideas. That's what I'm hoping for tbh. If it happens of course, which it won't
  15. f***ing thunderjinx. If Rafa comes Pinkman is immediately named Poster of the Year. If he doesn't come, Pinkman gets permanent IP ban imo.
  16. Objectively speaking, the last glimmer of hope of turning things around under McClaren was after the break in Spain. We have actually got worse since then, and the w*****s in charge should see that the longer they delay the inevitable, the harder it will be for us to pull ourselves out of this mess. Boggles the mind.
  17. Just make it happen ffs. What the f*** is "suggested some form of sounding out"? Sending out smoke circles to see if he could spot them from his garden? "I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - Lee Charnley" Oh great. It's just like NUFC to be using the most pathetic cheap and tatty app ever created.
  18. http://s21.postimg.org/bsmhsmgjr/weekend_at_siems.png Superb
  19. Just make it happen ffs. What the fuck is "suggested some form of sounding out"? Sending out smoke circles to see if he could spot them from his garden?
  20. I beg to differ on this one.
  21. Thought about that earlier as well. Who would he work with though? Would he accept being demoted to assistant? Could they bring someone in to work alongside him? Stuart Pearce or some such character? He'd move upstairs, surely? Take up his board position? And do what exactly if Carr is still here? Unless it would just be a move to save face? We're so desperate for things to change that we're dreaming up some highly unlikely scenarios.
  22. Thought about that earlier as well. Who would he work with though? Would he accept being demoted to assistant? Could they bring someone in to work alongside him? Stuart Pearce or some such character?
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