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Everything posted by Neil

  1. As an outsider looking in I was unsure what the fuss was about Guthrie, seems mediocre. But he impressed me today, giving the defence an option to play through him instead of automatically lumping it up, and really giving their midfielders a hard time to boss things. The fact Portsmouth never got started should be taken into account before jumping to conclusions, but if he can keep up the standard he displayed today, then he may be one of the value signings of the season.
  2. Neil

    Kinnear Out

    Must say putting those facts in front of my eyes takes me aback - 2 defeats in 11! Despite the usual dross thats served up, first things first, you're hard to beat. Turn a couple of draws into wins and WORLD DOMINATION IS ACHIEVED! Ish.
  3. I think he'll be wanting a long-term deal, if possible. A 2 year deal takes him to 31 when he's free to sign for another club and he won't get 100k/week from anyone at that age and for any length of time. Sign a 4 year deal now and he's done with the club at 33 after collecting 100k/week for 8 years. Pretty sweet deal if money's a priority for him. There's still a good chance that he'll stay. I think he knows that no other club are as desperate (?) as we are and none are also willing to accommodate him to the extent that we are (the chopper, for example). He's captain here. He's wanted, needed even. He's guaranteed a first-team place, lots of money and the club has potential if we can sort out this mess. Villa play a different style, Everton can't pay his wages, Spurs play one up front and have got two expensive strikers and City seem to have set their sights on a different tier of talent. I just don't know where else he'd go because the top 4 are even less likely to sign him. He's smart so he'll consider what other clubs have to offer and I expect that he won't sign a contract with anyone soon. We at Everton offer an alternate resource to money - pies.
  4. Sorry whats the crack? Evening of the 11th? Sounds good. If the metro runs quite late then I'd be able to have a few drinks afterwards. Has an actual time been arranged?
  5. I just pray for you guys that you build on this and continue against Spurs next weekend.
  6. He's Cristiano Ronaldo, though. Rooney did it against Aalborg as well. I think it's the Man Utd clause in the rules coming into play. Thou shalt not punish ye Gods.
  7. He's Cristiano Ronaldo, though.
  8. Neil

    Mark Hughes

    Rather enjoyed the win today due to just this reason. Similar to Benitez, just can't accept it when things don't go his way, fails to praise the opposition where it's due, etc. Similar to Ince (referring to Ince's fantastically pathetic moan about how the media was out to get him).
  9. When was the last time Real Madrid were 5/1 to win a game of football?
  10. Added you Nixon. And true, if you're old enough you're good enough. You never know, a couple of places may become avaliable, there's still a month to the match. *Dramatic music*
  11. Well since you're apparently on my team at RB we'd best get our world-beating tactics sorted out pronto
  12. I'll be getting the Metro, in Central Newcastle, so Haymarket/West Jesmond/Monument/Central Station.
  13. Either for me as well. Can I officially baggsy the official "Makelele position"?
  14. Would it be easy to wear a light t-shirt then a dark hoody over it, killing 2 birds with 1 stone
  15. Think it'd probably work simply with one team in bibs, providing they were a fairly bright colour, green/orange. Should do the trick.
  16. I'll gladly stick myself somewhere else to even things out if you want.
  17. Aye MSN will probably be easier, I'll add you. And it's essentially Newcastle city centre
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