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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Haven't read the thread but... Mifsud? Wasn't he Coventry's best player last season or something?
  2. Can only see Rodwell being a defensive midfielder permanent. Seems far too comfortable on the ball to be forced back to DC, but it's a nice option to have. Thank you Joleon. Heitinga, Bily and Distin + spare money.
  3. Don't tell Llambias that, he'd probably believe you and do it. Naked?
  4. Emergency? Does Chris have to run to Manchester with a screeching red siren strapped to the top of his head or something?
  5. Barton would have to be in place of Nolan. Really? I know it's only been 5 games and he's a million miles from perfect, but Nolan deserves a longer run in the side from what I've seen.
  6. 2.5m now or nothing in 5/10 months tbh.
  7. What about, after the standard back 4, DM: Smith MC: Guthrie MC: Nolan Then a front 3 of Ameobi, Lovenkrands and Jonas? Imagine that. Ibra Messi and Henry will be shitting themselves senseless I'd say. I FORGOT RYAN TAYLOR IN THE WHOLE PICTURE!
  8. Kevin Nolan far away from the team as possible? Forgive possible ignorance but he's been one of your best players from what I've seen. Yes, some misplaced passes and poor decisions but contributed a fair bit overall. I'd have thought: Harper Enrique Colo Taylor Simpson Jonas Smith Guthrie Lovenkrands Nolan (just behind) Ameobi Barton though will probably end up playing somewhere though because of rotation/injuries etc. Plus Lovenkrands could go up front alongisde Ameobi? Believe it or not, you have options. Plus, Geremi, Butt, and Ranger and his young homies.
  9. Ummm... we still doing this? If so, possibly people can put their names down to fully confirm? If it's the 13th?
  10. [Comment From Jol] The Bentley deal is due to be a season long loan subject to Spurs ITKs agreeing on the move
  11. What the.... Sunderland actually got rid of Collins who's a decent enough defender, for £3m, and got Turner who's slightly better for £12m!?
  12. Yup. Coloccini against Steve Howard would have been scary. He's a Newcastle fan, don't you know?
  13. Good result for you rather than performance. Leicester will be ruing those first-half opportunities/Harper saves, but once you got the goal you were pretty much in full control (mind that was partly down to their toothless 2nd half display). 13 out of 15 = perfect start. Ish.
  14. Neil

    Nile Ranger

    Now for the inevitable disproportionate pressure on his shoulders.
  15. I'm confused. If you're that desperate for a striker, stick Smith up top? (Yes I do realise he's shite).
  16. Neil

    La Liga 09/10

    No Messi and Iniesta. You've got no chance.
  17. Neil


    Pompey didn't look all that bad. A fluky/scrappy 1-0 win could just change things a lot for them.
  18. Neil


    Where's Phil K to tell us how that Mike Ashley comment represents the latest chapter of the media's massacre of Newcastle?
  19. cristian 4 poster of the year! Nah really, appreciate it. Interested in Genoa. Do they have the consistency to break into the top 4?
  20. cristian = the Italian Jeff Stelling... without pundits/reporters to help him.
  21. I'll bet you anything that he is class for us should he sign. One bad season at an utter f*** up of a club in Atletico Madrid (who have more ins and outs every season than Jenna Jameson at a gang bang) and he's suddenly crap? He was great for Ajax and has got nearly 50 caps for Holland in his mid 20's. Depends where he plays. Rb he could do a job but cb and i'll guarantee you'll be looking to flog him within the year. I'd be pretty sure Heitinga would play at RB.
  22. Neil

    La Liga 09/10

    Going for 3-1. Think Ibra will take some time to settle, so might not be as lightning fast and fluent as usual. As if any team can count 3-1 as a mediocre result. Plain worrying.
  23. Piennar? Sorry, I meant a proper left winger. Pienaar and Baines link up great at times, but it'd be great to have someone who will actually just bomb down the wing. Although in truth would prefer it on the other side, seeing Osman and Hibbert attempt to destroy sides is embarrassing. Do you not rate Piennar then? I obviously don't watch Everton as much as you do, but I reckon he's a canny little player. Looked really good at the tail end of last season. Oh, I really rate him. I'll hold my hands up and say he proved me wrong; start of last season I didn't expect much from him but he's turned into an extremely useful player, one of our best. What I'm saying is, he isn't a natural winger (pretty much always cuts inside onto his favoured right foot), and it'd be helpful to have a natural winger (perhaps from the bench) to offer something different.
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