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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. 10 out of 10 trolling you one shit trick pony shitcunt
  2. Of course he will man. Will give himself an A* for it.
  3. When England come calling for your manager then look no further than the second man in the queue for that job, boom job done.
  4. Would be a real Brucie bonus if he ended up at sunderland.
  5. Someone has broken down the goals we will score player by player and it was enough iirc, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  6. "won an England cap" [emoji38] An event that made literally no difference to anyone on the planet except Kevin Davies.
  7. Yeah those were the glory days and since then he's simply done whatever he's been asked
  8. Even Americans are laughing at us
  9. http://newsthump.com/2016/07/21/spain-germany-and-brazil-shit-themselves/
  10. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/08/27/16/2BB5D9AD00000578-3212936-image-a-96_1440689766480.jpg Fat cunts
  11. Holy shit, that interview Bendtner levels of delusion.
  12. Yeah quite enough flashes of brilliance for one quarter, see ya in October.
  13. Didn't we spend around £15m on him a year ago? We'll be wanting a decent profit with the market going crazy and him scoring a few goals last season.
  14. Fuck me, that's rank. As much as I slagged him for seeming to want a move the moment he walked through the door I feel sorry for him and wish him well.
  15. Honestly, at what point will Norwich realise that signing so many Scottish footballers isn't really working for them
  16. How many players do Chelsea have that are actually some of the best in the world these days? Squad needs some work as it's pretty old and stale if you ask me.
  17. What came first, the chicken or the Judas
  18. Would have been nice to have seen Leicester try to defend the title and go for it in the Champions League with most/all of the players that did so well for them last season.
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