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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Throwing his toys out the pram saying it's not fair now He's answered barely anything man FFS.
  2. Can seriously see why he rarely talks in public now.
  3. Jesus Christ, what a fucking oaf.
  4. "If I drop dead tomorrow..." It's happening, lads.
  5. Starting to get my hopes up he's going to have a heart attack here. Breathing heavily. If not, can they do this every week?
  6. This is fucking ripe for a CassetteBoy job like
  7. Guy's making a fucking tit of himself here like. Thick as fuck.
  8. What the fuck's all this about an oil tanker
  9. Coming across like a thick bellend. "Oh but he can't be a thick bellend cos he's made loads of money". He's a thick bellend.
  10. These guys are fucking morons.
  11. Saw that. An ingenious way to get into the ground for free, but assume it'll be restricted view being in somebody's pocket.
  12. Every time this thread is bumped I wonder what sick racist filth he's peddled now.
  13. Yeah, then he played 2 Premier League games for them before going to Chelsea
  14. You've got the 4th favourite. Yeah, Beren is a shoe-in imo.
  15. "Taking over" Yeah, things will never be the same again.
  16. Not sure our football is street enough to accommodate Gayle.
  17. We know. Thanks for the weekly reminder.
  18. I want him gone, his attitude stinks. Don't need characters like that in the squad.
  19. It's not even remotely racist imo.
  20. I haven't heard burglary held up as one of the ills of society since the 90s.
  21. If Vardy goes to Arsenal I think he'll do well there tbh. And I can't really blame the player on this occasion, he's a 30 year old striker who has only been playing top flight football for 2 years. His game relies somewhat on his pace, he might only have another few years to try life at such a big club. Obviously it'll be very disappointing for Leicester, but I understand it from both sides.
  22. The French rugby team do it as well, it's almost as if they're a nation of total and utter fannies.
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