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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Hatem doing it all himself again. Him and the Gouff have looked okay.
  2. Any reason why? Anita's crying out for a run of games IMO. Because Antia and Tiote are too similar. Having 2 sitting midfielders was part of our problem last year, Jonas can actually dribble (not much else) and won't be asked to pick up the ball from extremely deep. In what way are Anita and Tiote similar?
  3. Speaks volumes about what Cabaye thinks tbh he'd jump at the chance to play decent football. Refusing to speak to lee Ryder suggests to me he has an IQ higher than 12
  4. I don't blame them if they're as bad as ours, gets me irrationally angry with their incompetence.
  5. Fingers crossed we can perform like we did against Man U away last year and actually have a go at them, unfortunatly right now I'd settle for just getting out of our own half every so often.
  6. "if he'd been spanish we'd be replaying that 5 or 6 times" after they've repeated it for the 5th time.
  7. fantastic equaliser by Norwich, loved that cross.
  8. plenty of empty seats there behind Lambert.
  9. http://www.buzzfeed.com/neilfravery1/scottish-football-fans-have-added-fairy-liquid-to-d5rg
  10. how old is leigh griffiths? looks about 40
  11. Bloke beginning to challenge Tiote for the 'parody of himself award' 2013.
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