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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. The Voice Online? Isn't that a shite tv show?
  2. Also, this whole Wonga/Cisse thing, the main thing that stands out for me isn't the debate about if Cisse is right to do what hes doing or not, it's our clubs total incompitance at handling it all, the Wonga deal is worth approximately next to fuck all compared to actually remaining in the permier league, really don't see why we wouldn't at least try and negotiate with Wonga a smaller deal in exchange for Cisse to have an opt out, we're going into this season with a Strike force consisting of Cisse, Gouffran, an old cripple in Shola and a small child in Campbell. At this point in time, we need him more than we need Wonga.
  3. Well if his objections to the Wonga thing are religious, then as long as Barclays are offering to help muslims stay faithful to their religion yet still be able to own a house, I think he has the right to see a difference between the two companies.
  4. If that's where he draws the line, that's where he draws the line. Seems possible to me. Doesn't think that money should never be lent out at all but objects to obscene interest rates aimed at the poorest people in society. You'll have to fill me in on the Barclays thing as I'm not sure what you're getting at. Maybe Cisse doesn't know either. Also, banks like Barclays offer 'muslim friendly mortgages' etc.
  5. After the 4th goes in ? Maybe to put a defender on ? Pardoo's style..... Pardew would be the only person in the world who would start worrying about limiting the defecit in a friendly
  6. 67 mins. I assume I don't even need to say it'll be for Shola
  7. good work from the club, nice to see them stand up for us fans when the press sees fit to launch baseless accusations at us.
  8. Gouffran had a worse record in France and is clearly good enough.
  9. would that be their 10th or 11th player?
  10. remember one of the pundits at some point during this tournament commenting about how some of the mistakes were things that would be trained out of u11s sides in the mens game, the lack of proffesionalism is shocking, but the women's game is stuck in a vicious cycle, without qualilty theres no interest in it, without interest there is no cash, without the cash to back it up you can't have players becoming professional footballers and reaching a good level.
  11. When did Cisse make excuses last year? And personally I don't think this goal return was bad considering he spent a while on the wing and the rest of the season on his own up front with the rest of the team scared to leave our own defensive third.
  12. he's still ony 20, so would say the next couple of seasons are really when he should be getting first team experience and pushing forwards with his development really, still plenty of time for him imo.
  13. Being less of a car crash than us is considered being successful on wear side though.
  14. Would explain why Kinnear likes him.
  15. Problem for them is, unlike us, who two quality signings could really make a big difference, they've just got those two good players, surrounded by players who probably belong in the championship really .
  16. I think its great, i mean, i would hate anything like that at SJP, but its good or a laugh for us other fans
  17. Seriously, why can't they take pens
  18. Undeserved equaliser. decent set piece though.
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