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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Cavani looks like he dosn't want to be here does he Mark? sounds like somebody else there to me...
  2. It makes sense to you that Kinnear would be brought in to mediate in a feud? About as much sense as it does to bring him in for his footballing expertise tbf
  3. The noise compared to Wembley is pretty embarrassing.
  4. Spain have been poor, not Nigeria poor, but poor none the less.
  5. well they have scored form a corner already this competition...
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Havenaar "The Havenaar family became naturalized Japanese citizens in 1994 after his oriental eyes closed one day in maths class, thus hindering him to a life of football with the japanese national team" most racist wiki ever?
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