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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Meanwhile we want Mclaran or captain lick a lot El Lick is already plotting next seasons Willo. Speaking to a friend of a friend who knows someone whose dog licked Charnley's face by accident after mistaking it for another dog's turd, i heard the replacement for Willo will be
  2. Still seems odd to see him in a Leicester shirt mind.
  3. Eh? Couldn't hear you mate, think you should get your tongue outta his butthole before speaking. Thats the problem with Colback, never quite sure where the Arsehole ends and the ginger begins.
  4. afraid i'm going to have to cancel on the food/drinks, Something has come up that I've got to deal with. Hopefully will make it out next time though.
  5. Hope your okay man. At least your 30 second cameo was eventful...
  6. Central people, where you at? I'm outside Burger King. Edit: going to assume I've missed you guys, see you there!
  7. Yes, I'll be there. Meet outside burger king. Awesome
  8. Are people still meeting at central before hand? If so I'll be there at 12, if you guys are still around there then?
  9. Went into a shop to have a look at it, Jesus it's even worse in person. I'm actually impressed how much they're able to fuck up a black and white shirt.
  10. They could offer to take a dump on the middle of each one and it will still probably be better than the official one.
  11. Valdes is a decent replacement tbh. Still losing a young keeper who's already arguably the world's best, and probably for a minimal fee. Fucking love De Gea. Fuck off Madrid.
  12. 5. Just need a decent Man U performance.
  13. Great, we're about to rely on a bloke who needs Gouffran's help to get dressed.
  14. Riviere has scored more goals than the rest of the premier league put together in the past 45 mins, he is just THAT good.
  15. I absolutely hate Colback, Cannot stand the useless, pointless, smackhead-faced ginger arsehole . His ability to hide in games, his attitude in derby's before moving here only to them claim to be 'one of us', Carver's wrinkly hard-on for him and the fact his transfer is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with this club right now . literally cannot think of a single reason not to hate him, absolutely despise him, wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. cunt. but apart from that the ones I dislike are mostly just the useless ones: Williamson, S Taylor, Elliot, Gouffran. Out of the rest, the ones I genuinely like are probably limited too: Jonas, Janmaat, Abied, Perez. But mostly the players just inspire apathy in me right now.
  16. I'll be getting the train down from Edinburgh on Saturday morning so would also be up for meeting people at Central depending on how early I get in.
  17. Was a nice touch by Shearer to forgive him and let him be involved after he viciously head-butted his foot.
  18. Hasn't he started managing in Thailand pretty recently?
  19. To be fair the praise was 'they weren't quite as shit as usual, here's a highlight reel where they've managed to make the most basic 5 yard pass without fucking up'.
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