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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Man if that plane was just a little later it could of been so inappropriate
  2. Seems a lot of people heading to the ground in that
  3. How many premier league goals does that bench have between then? 3? cant be much more than that. Sammy and Obertan have got at least one each, apart from that, nothing
  4. Well seeing that team line up I immediately regret my decision not to go
  5. mick quinn ‏@mickquinn1089 6h6 hours ago Just for the record,I fully support the @NUFC fans #BoycottSpurs At least one ex player is supporting it.
  6. Surely you teach your kid an important lesson in not being a complete arsehole by explaining the boycott to them and joining in with it?
  7. Just donated the price of my train ticket to/from the match to these guys. seems a better way to spend it than the other times I've spend my weekend travelling 3 hours to watch 2 hours of absolute shite while being bombarded with sports direct adverts from every angle.
  8. maybe_next_year

    John Carver

    I know John Carver pretty well from his younger days and he supported Wolves looks more like he's been raised by wolves Explains the toungue movements.
  9. Absolute bollocks, just reducing the importance of the cup even further.
  10. Not going to the match but not sure if I'll head to leazes park yet, living in Edinburgh that's a big expense to come down to just protest. I still feel a horrific longing to go to the match inside me though, It's hard to get over the fact that Newcastle United isn't the same club I fell in love with, so I understand those who go, despite it being the wrong decision. Think anything below 45k will be a massive success. The noise might have gone from SJP, but the crowds haven't and anything to persuade people from not going is going to face a challenge given some peoples stubborn views. . No doubt the media (especially the local ones) will ignore the fact our club has a recent history of big attendances no matter what and try and spin this as best they can for the club, in fear of being banned though.
  11. Jay Jay Okocha in the top 100 at all? Joe Heart at 81? so much wrong there but those two stood out
  12. Surely the scanners in the turnstiles are what determine total amount? If the stadium is half-empty (doubtful, but I think, tactically, it's still the correct method of protest) - but the club try and claim it as 49k, it will make them look an even bigger joke. AO.com are going for the visual and I pray to God they successfully shepherd the sheep into making a significant statement. If remotely successful the boycott vs spurs will be a real visual message mind If its Visually successful it'll have an impact, but the club will always try and play that down. really hope this has some affect. probably going to be the first step on a long road, but nice to see a group willing to do something about it.
  13. one issue is the official attendance will just be tickets sold (so all season tickets holders), so you can already guarantee the club will try and picture this as 'failed'.
  14. Skin of an elephant? You know nothing. Aye,Stray makem on thin ice here. would have to agree with stray mackem, he's definitely thick skinned, had abuse before and hasn't fucked off, going to take a monumental effort to get rid of him. hopefully Ashleyout.com will help galvanise the monumental effort required.
  15. Sackpardew was a success, he's no longer here and they are part of the reason for that. As for the club being destroyed to get rid of Ashley, it already is being destroyed by him you clown. He's s*** on just about everything which was good at the club and we're just left with a shell of the club that he purchased. We're no longer a club setup to even try and compete, we're a club setup to advertise his tat and drift along. Ha. Tell that to the fans of Hereford United, or all the other clubs whose fans no longer have anything to support, not even a shell. oh, we have a Hereford reference. WUM confirmed
  16. So your problem with the sack pardew campaign was that 'Ashley was the root cause'. so what's the problem with them going after Ashley? what would you propose as a realistic alternative?
  17. going to give good old stevvy geee the respect sky think he deserves. 8-0 bummerthon. still, at least I'll be at work during this
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