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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Everton, Spurs. couple quid on each and £5 on a double.
  2. An yet in the richest league in the world, this club is sitting mid table. fucking football man
  3. You know its shit when Colback isn't the first thing I get annoyed at about our team
  4. Opened link Read no.30 Closed link.
  5. Steven 'moron' Taylor in The Snowy Owl. Was served annoyingly quickly given the slow service everyone seemed to be getting.
  6. Messi and Suarez looking unstoppable.
  7. Alves off for being a moron. pen to Rayo. 5-1
  8. "Things like this annoy me she can't be named for legal reasons yet if she is old enough to go into a club and have a one night stand, then she should be big enough to suffer the consequences, the poor guy probably didn't even know she was 15! Girls like this make me sick!!!!" this has over 7,800 likes on facebook at the moment
  9. Just seen an advert for the program saying "obertan-when I'm one on one with a defender, I trust on my ability every time" actually burst out laughing in the middle of the street when I read that
  10. Aye but Carver says that Ashley is sitting there kicking every ball so clearly he gives a f***. It does feel like he's personally kicking my balls of every minute of Carverball I watch to be fair.
  11. Spurs fans not exactly hanging around.
  12. From up here isnt she? Aye. A wealthy heiress - Barratt Homes, innit? She should look happier imo, but then she has to put up with him and all those riches. Life is so tough. Yeah she's a Barratt, rediculously wealthy. So at least we know she's not one of these wags in it for the money.
  13. Actually don't want us to score now, depressing.
  14. Man if they're boooing that wait till Pardew really starts to work his magic. I mean they only lost by one and even scored a goal. what are they going to be like when they start getting Bummed off the likes of Wigan and Fulham.
  15. £5 on Man City to win to nill and £3 on them -2.
  16. Read that Keith Gillespie biography. Pretty interesting in parts, but wasn't very well written, read like a 'when I was on my holidays' homework in all honesty.
  17. Diego Forlan, Manchester United. Hated how every time I watched him post-Man u, the commentators always felt the need to mention his 'failure' in England
  18. Who exactly have we got left in defence in the reserves; Good? Satka? Even Streete and Mbabu arn't at the club at the moment.
  19. Not surprising from a club who still had John 'racist' Terry as captain. Edit: Oh and whose fans also made monkey gestures towards Welbeck. You'd think they'd of moved on from their terrible racism issues of the past, I mean, its 2015 ffs.
  20. Ah almost went an entire match without hearing the name 'Gerrard' there.
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