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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Loving the amount of space the 3 Mackem strikers are finding when they drop inbetween our 'midfield' and 'defence'
  2. Nice by the Mackems in the 17th min, slightly ruined by Niall Quinn having to bring up 'class' like a RTG regular
  3. If JC had only dragged sir Bobby's name into a few times, that would of really helped us
  4. Gouffran looks like he's just stepped into the background by accident
  5. I wasn't sure if it was a 2-0 or 3-0. How does it go after goal difference, is it head to head? Goals scored.
  6. Who cares while we're running at a profit? that's the real victory in football.
  7. Left wing, left back or CM. happy anywhere in all honesty.
  8. their team looks a bit better on paper. but when we're starting Gouffran, Jonas and that ginger nobody its not really a surprise.
  9. Mackems to win Under 2.5 goals Cattermole to be booked Colback to be booked A player to be sent off. Quid on each.
  10. Oldham and rangers? Sports direct friends
  11. I just think Robben was a more exciting player at that age, I find Hazard a bit functional in comparison to when Robben burst on to the scene. I'm not saying Hazard's not a very good player but it's just my personal preference in players I suppose. I think thats a lot to do with Mourinho. who seems to have managed to become even more rigid since his first time at Chelsea.
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