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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Messi really can do everything, even a Decent Ryan Taylor impression from a free-kick.
  2. surprised how good this is after Barca scored the opening goal.
  3. Some more great football television by ITV there.
  4. Juve need to find a middle ground between Vidal's attempts to get sent off and the rest of the team standing off .
  5. From nufc.com re: the american part of our plans: Total mileage of this 2015 tour?, 10,780 miles..... I'm just surprised we're not having some sort of shit-off with Oldham/Rangers in a sports-direct cup.
  6. what an absolute joke, ah well, start as you mean to go on
  7. I'm pretty sure we could of could of convinced him that Newcastle's last few seasons is actually a form of modern art about the horrible side of commercialism in the modern game taking away from the competitiveness from the sport or something. I mean, its more believable than the idea that we're a fully functioning football club.
  8. I'd rather we go for an appointment like this and it all go tits up than appoint Carver, where it will inevitably go tits up or another boring, bang average manager. At least it'll provide a reason to watch us, to see what happens.
  9. Just got in the flat in time to see that Ronnie radford goal.
  10. If we judged by stats Williamson would be world class. if that stat is; times he went out of his way to avoid shaking Carvers hand in his last match then yes. by any other stat, nah he's still shite.
  11. Probably the last time I can remember being nothing but optimistic about our future
  12. fucks sake, had enjoyed a few weeks of forgetting he existed until you bumped this, thanks for that.
  13. 62 people per game killed building the stadiums already for the 2022 world cup , shameful.
  14. even when giving it to a country is a death sentence for hundreds of workers? I'd argue human life is a bit more important than letting everyone get a chance at hosting a few games of football like.
  15. A bit late to the party in this thread, buy my god did I feel old when Elliot Lee came on, I shouldn't be able to say 'bloody hell, I'm old enough to remember watching his dad play" this young surely.
  16. http://www.gateshead-fc.com/5427/new-owners-at-gateshead
  17. Hang on, Isn't this Boro's first visit there too? so how would a Boro fan of known the way there any better. think the smog's affecting their braincells. they lost the FA Cup final to Chelsea at the old Wembley I think The year before the first of our two visits wasn't it?
  18. Hang on, Isn't this Boro's first visit there too? so how would a Boro fan of known the way there any better. think the smog's affecting their braincells.
  19. we managed to avoid looking incredibly shit for 90 mins, a very rare event!
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