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Everything posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. Can't believe Lineker brought that up about Shearer kicking Lennon in the head like!
  2. Dr.Spaceman

    Man City

    Why would you not comment?
  3. Tell him he's a cunt. EDIT: I thought you said Alan Wiley! haha, sorry dude.
  4. Jonny I can't believe you said that about Wor Nile. GIVE HIM A CHANCE FFS!!!
  5. You just know smiths talking about his balls.
  6. Jorunal says Leon, Chronicle says Carl.
  7. Love to see the celebrations when they equalised. Reckon it was a header from a corner. What are the chances it was the keeper as well.
  8. Saudi scored in the 92nd minute...... AND BAHRAIN EQUALISED IN THE 94TH! FUCK MY LIFE...
  9. Anyone know how Saudi Arabia got on?
  10. Why are they booing Eduardo?
  11. I need Saudi Arabia to win and I've just pocketed £300 :frantic: :frantic: I took: ENGLAND v Croatia NIreland v SLOVAKIA ITALY v Bulgaria Wales v RUSSIA Scotland v HOLLAND SAUDI ARABIA v Bahrain
  12. How could we go from the sexy beast that is Habib Beye, to the gangly spack that is Nicky Hunt at right back. Jesus.
  13. Typical overweight goalie. Has the look on his face where he knows he's good, but as soon as the ball gets anywhere near him you realise he's absolute turd. Think we hammered his boys last time we played up at the cage. Mind you, we were like 5 years older than them lot.
  14. He wore one that had Stewart on the back when he played us. Almost hit the floor when it twigged who he was.
  15. Jesus Christ, that was an entertaining half an hour reading through that shit! I'll make more of an effort to take the piss if I ever see him again.
  16. Not my mate or owt, just happen to have played football with / against him a couple of times. Bit of a mincer is he?
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