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Everything posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. I know a kid called Lee Stewart from the Bensham / Dunston area, surely you're not going on about him, he's a slightly chubby Man Utd fan. Bit of a divvy as well.
  2. Good. The fat bastard. Don't take drugs kids!
  3. Duff is shit now, but it's disrespectful not to acknowledge all he's acheived in his career.
  4. Can anyone else here that annoying buzzing whenever Steve speaks?
  5. Dr.Spaceman

    Our midfield

    Rosstoon, you and your mates have a smoking session last night or something?
  6. The midfields in this division are shit beyond comprehension. I expected that teams would be all round much worse, obviously, but not as bad as some of the dross I've seen so far.
  7. I went to college with a lass from the England youth set-up. She was shit. I got kicked out the gym for tackling her once as well.
  8. Whats wrong with carrying on from where they left off at a later date?
  9. Harper Simpson S.Taylor Coloccini Enrique Jonas Guthrie Barton Lovenkrands Smith Ameobi
  10. "Very average player, he will end up playing CCC or lower for the majority of his career, if he doesn't end up in the nick." From one game hahaha I wouldn't waste my bandwidth on that site.
  11. Disgraceful. It is the right thing to do, only if the rules are the same for every club. They have clearly only done this to make an example.
  12. Can't belive people are still discussing this. He was/is very average. And remember, he started whinging long before we were destined to the drop.
  13. You've got to wonder why they are still free though. Do they have really shit agents, or is there some sort of underlying problem with each and every one of them?
  14. http://www.soccerlotto.co.uk/World%20Cup/images/Ray%20Houghton.jpg
  15. FYP. Aye, fair play. I have boobies. FYP.
  16. I was just telling my gf about his cool as fuck accent. The bloke is a hero. Gotta love that youtoob video that jock made with that corny tune in the background.
  17. Never ever rated Collins. One of those 'meh' players who you can never ever feel happy for.
  18. No, no and no thanks Jesus christ, no thanks. Why? Cos they aint proppa geordies lyk? Coppell and Curbishley have both been promoted from this division in the past, have they not? Or would you rather we chased after Hitzfeld, Scolari, Van Gaal etc
  19. Rather have Curbishley, Strachan or Coppell tbh.
  20. Think I'd actually rather stick with clipboard Chris tbh. John fucking Barnes could take charge of us in this league and we'd still go up.
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