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Darth Crooks

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Everything posted by Darth Crooks

  1. 'Robert...Ameobi....still Ameobi. Shearer...SHEEEEARERRRR!' or its something like that. Once in that was staying in Bergkamps was genuis though.
  2. Went for steve coppell dunno why. Trying to be realistic (ish) as well. I'd take him
  3. Didn't realise he went that far...ciggie in the face is one thing but...
  4. Be all well and good to rape some of the smaller teams for good fun but at the risks are massive. Just to get knocked out by someone like Hull at a later date and get fucked by injuries the same game
  5. Don't get the lad to be honest, talks like he's peter ustinov but acts peter sutcliffe. He's right but why is he apparently such an articulate nutter? like roy keane? Aye. To my knowledge though the canine pleasuring saddam resembling arsehole never stuck a lit cigarette into someones eye though. I don't know what to think about this whole anger issues jazz or whether he's just a dick. He wants to separate his personal and professional lives more though for the good of or club. Articles like this, however much i agree with him are only met with cynicism and make us look daft. Talk with your feet Joey lad.
  6. Don't get the lad to be honest, talks like he's peter ustinov but acts peter sutcliffe. He's right but why is he apparently such an articulate nutter?
  7. Should never have let Saha slip through the net
  8. They tried to get the ball past Colo but he said NO, NO, NO
  9. Combination of non existent fitness in midfield and CH's tactical ineptitude would signal certain re-relegation without drastic measures. We'd become a yo-yo team
  10. To be honest it seemed a notable improvement on the s**** i endured at barnsley and sheff wed. Least we had more chances to waste instead of being on the backfoot. Get a consistent front pairing and hope it turns around.
  11. You're points are dropped when you have butt and nolan/smith in midfield. This result wouldn't look so bad if we hadn't fucked up so badly against the likes of barnsley and sheffield wed through tactical ineptitude. Derby seemed to defend well and we wasted set pieces. Best of a bad bunch we've had imo. All down to the insistence of non-mobile players on the pitch.
  12. A casual attempt to say the least. Should be taking the man and eveything there Wyn Davies style. Yes it was a foul but as said above should'nt expect protection and get the fundamentals right. Been superb on the whole though. Pub goalie. Piffle
  13. Over use of the messiah bollocks though. Still pretty good like
  14. Darth Crooks


    What in? Tortoise years?
  15. If johnno had sour grapes face's temper i'm sure Simmons would have been dismembered.
  16. I jacked it in partly because of the very homosexual initiation stuff you had to do for the uni teams and the overly macho bravado stuff is BS. Used to play with a fair few ra-ra hooray henry types over the years so Union is definitely more of an upper class thing than football. Love johnno though. Class player
  17. Will have biodegraded from his scrot vinegar by then
  18. No, it just means whoever made the rules is f***ing stupid. Righto. Rules are clearly stupid in sport. Lets do away with free kicks then. Nah, football is good. I'll put you down for my petition to the RFU for implementing a no hands and forward passing rule then shall I? Reckon I'll tell the Lawn tennis association to put one of them nets they have at either end and ditch the rackets whilst i'm at it. Hark at the rugger-buggers getting all sanctimonious about their backward rules... Aye....I'm just a fan of both sports and can't see why we can't just get along? If they can unify Sein Fein and the Unionists why not the football and the dark side?
  19. No, it just means whoever made the rules is f***ing stupid. Righto. Rules are clearly stupid in sport. Lets do away with free kicks then. Nah, football is good. I'll put you down for my petition to the RFU for implementing a no hands and forward passing rule then shall I? Reckon I'll tell the Lawn tennis association to put one of them nets they have at either end and ditch the rackets whilst i'm at it.
  20. No, it just means whoever made the rules is f***ing stupid. Righto. Rules are clearly stupid in sport. Lets do away with free kicks then.
  21. There has to be a certain level of tactical intelligence involved in a sport where the only way to move forwards is by passing backwards surely? The yanks get one littler fella to throw the ball the length of the pitch to another littler fella whilst the bigger chaps clobber shite out of each other. It's a disgrace they are allowed to call it football
  22. I like football and rugby union and league. Am I the only one? American sports are fucking shite. Having played rugby union for years it is true that rugby players, at my amateur level do have an inferiority complex. Seems its wrong to like both even though they're completely different. You can't knock the way it respects officials and players athleticism and skill. It's class seeing a team defend 5 metres away from a tryline like men possessed as much as it is watching Shola tear the championship a new one every week
  23. Yep. He's gonna be at the prices we're realistically capable of IF money will be spent. I don't think we'll get a longer loan and it would be better tyo have someone who we know looks decent in that position.
  24. Mark Bright and his chum on the BBC weren't exactly neutral either, Brighty was Boro's refereeing complaint cheerleader most of the match. And hilarious when he said he didn't understand why Pogatetz had to go over to the ref when he was told, to get his booking. It's called respect Mark, taking responsibility for you actions, not being a complete dick... that sort of thing. Aye he's a proper dick. He annoyingly talks like i've stuck the sky plus on fast forward. He kicked off about Jose getting man of the match over Collicini. Fair do's he was in with a shout but the way he kicked off was as if El Toro had been shite all game and that respect stuff epitomises whats wrong with the menatlity in football sometimes.
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