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Darth Crooks

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Everything posted by Darth Crooks

  1. To be fair, sometimes when I'm playing you can't help but get angry sometimes and just say something you don't necessarily mean but just comes out. I don't say 'f*** off' or 'your s***', just off the top of my head stuff like "are you f***ing kidding?" Of course theres levels of it that require common sense to judge but the post made before is spot on, albeit a bit venomous. Other sports such as the rugby codes have rules where only the captain can speak to the ref about an issue and it works fine. Lot more respectful. The regular scenes you get of players crowding the referees screaming blue murder is an absolute disgrace imo. You fo get some shit decisions mind...
  2. One of the best players of his generation and possessed a true footballing brain. Very articulate too
  3. I agree. It seems that SSN sensationalism is all they're after and unfortunately NUFC provides them with plenty of ammo. I don't think they are bothered either way about Ashley, as long as there's turmoil they'll be happy. If the best interests of the club are genuinely at heart and the reasoning put forward articulately then the sponsorship of the club name should be listened to. However because the 'cockney mafia' couldn't run a bath and haven't used such eloquence, people have quite rightly been in uproar. Shame moat is about as minted as a tramps breath as surely the main point is his desire to help the club by ridding us of ashley?
  4. 'Football has saturated me...' complete fuckwit. 3 hours on a nurses/doctors/teachers/builders shift etc. would probably literally kill him.
  5. At the risk of sounding ITK. My lass works at the TC head office in p'boro in the marketing department, been asking her about it all week and she doesn't sem to know anything about it...must be something in it like. Be good shout as a kit sponsor like as she was adamant they're no longer going to sponsor man city
  6. Nolberto Solano will lead peru to a world cup final
  7. Aye he's thick as a bulls dick
  8. Brooklyn and Romeo Beckham
  9. Surely it's just as mad to wear tracksuit and sportswear when you're only watching? fair dos. I like it when the managers have club related stuff on. Ties or half the club shop included Mmmm...fair enough. But in that case does it matter then? why and how is a suit more relevant? oh and Phil Brown wears a suit so the less like that tw@ the better. Well it doesn't really matter, except the suit looks better. That's it really!
  10. Surely it's just as mad to wear tracksuit and sportswear when you're only watching? Mmmm...fair enough. But in that case does it matter then? why and how is a suit more relevant? oh and Phil Brown wears a suit so the less like that tw@ the better.
  11. Never got why managers suit up in the first place. You're coaching a football team and you turn up in a double breasted number. Seems to be the trend but imo it makes more sense to wear trackies and the gear with shit loads of club badges over it with the 'CH' on it doesn't it?
  12. very good but depressing all at the same time
  13. a la Electric Six: Danger, Danger....Nile Ranger! With his touch... he's hard to miss. Danger, Danger....Nile Ranger! When he scores, it is bliss. ST8888 like a banana! Toon! Toon! Black and White Army etc.
  14. They'll probably think tomorrow is our youth team "Smith? Nolan? Harper? Jonas? Who the f*** are these, they could have at least played the big guns like LuaLua and Tozer!" From what Hughton said wouldn't surprise me if we did see Lua Lua, I'm not convinced by him. Yes he's quick but he doesnt seem to have much else about him. Seems the only midfielders we produce nowadays are either s**** or s**** and fast like Alan o Brien. If the consensus is jonas is shit and so are a few the rest of midfield, don't have too many qualms about giving him a go tbh. Would save big Kev from knackering himself out so quickly so he can unleash hell properly in the 87th
  15. We need to start making chants about his mam. We've been polite nows lets play hardball
  16. Imagine if they did this to Wembley. Understandably and quite rightly the nation would go mental
  17. SSN breaking news: Barry Moat buys pot to piss in... *cut to david craig outside empty SJP or whatever the fook its supposed to be *
  18. Darth Crooks

    Sports Direct

    Just read the wikipedia article and died a little inside :'(
  19. If Butt and/or Geremi + Harewood play we'll struggle
  20. Agreed. We do indeed have players who are far and away better than those in teams currently below us; Enrique, Collicini, S Taylor, Harper etc. but we equally have some players that wouldn't get near the first XI of those just below us; Butt, Geremi, Harewood etc. and this balancing act is why we're looking so shaky at times.
  21. Theres no discussion to be had in my mind. He's one of the better players in the prem let alone the championship. put him at LB for ManUre n co. he'd still be the dogs.
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