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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Like others said, a moment to learn from but he is no doubt in my mind the man who deserves to be here for the long haul and at least see how this season pans out.
  2. Had no issues heading it in at Wembley against us the cunt
  3. Love Maxi to bits and will be one of my favourite Newcastle players for sure, however now that the dust has settled - you just know that our style of play has moved on and that he was terribly inconsistent with his injuries and form for us in recent times. So I do not share the opinion that he would have absolutely made the difference today. He was our absolute MVP during some dark days and did his best to adapt during the new era but ultimately was sold for reasons to benefit the club in the grand scheme of things. Sure others needed to leave before he did but those are deadweight that we were never going to get any value for. Like others said, it would be a good idea to not bump the thread every time we don't win a game..
  4. Can't fault the effort today but really needed some calm and composure in the key moments I know I am being super critical here but I also felt the goal could have been saved These aren't as annoying as Man United or Liverpool I'll give you that but their fans are still rather annoying so they and their bazillion financial misconduct accusations of a club can do one too.
  5. Bruno needs to calm down and compose himself when in a shooting position sometimes
  6. Amir_9

    Lewis Hall

    Stood out for me in their side when they played us at St. James' last year
  7. There is a big Saudi Arabian international student community in this country whilst the support for NUFC in Saudi Arabia is growing so there is no doubt this is to cater to this specific crowd here. I mean I am sure we have had rugby/non-NUFC events at St. James' park before so I don't see this as that much any different. However at the same time I do also understand the perspective that the club is being used as a tool to promote Saudi Arabia but this was always going to happen with an Arabic gulf country having ownership in a Premier League club to some extent or another PSG Qatar Airways. Man City Etihad etc etc, I know this is a level above but as long as there is solid strategic planning, growth and investment into NUFC and their biggest priority is NUFC then I do not really care much for this.
  8. Hard luck for the dOn UnAi / who's your next messiah Ant or Dec weirdos Maybe next time.
  9. Amir_9

    St James' Park

    People need to see what the likes of Anfield is and what the surrounding location is like before calling SJP an "old heap" lol I love St. James' - for its history, its location, its view of the city from the top seats and under the lights it is a fantastic ground for football. If there are improvements it would be no more than extra seating and the interior (bars / food / toilet area) rather than anything else at this point imo.
  10. Amir_9

    Harvey Barnes

    Perfect time to get some goals under his belt - smash one against Villa pls buddy
  11. I'm from Bahrain bro, still dull as fuck lol.
  12. On the topic of social media its worth noting the amount of times either him or his team have taken a shit on the mackems every time they have had the nerve to talk crap, in the funniest of manners. That doesn't go unnoticed with me considering he has never actually played them. I have supported this club since the mid 2000s and can honestly count on one hand the players that have left which have truly had a impact on me in terms of how sad I felt once they left. He is high on that list because I truly felt not only is he such a personality (as mentioned previously) but he is something special on his day and you never really know the ins and outs why certain players have such God-like levels on their day but then don't maintain that - they are human after all and as a fan you never factor genuine things that a player cannot control or are out of their hands. You as a punter and a fan and a stakeholder in the club usually only factor matchday performances. There is an appreciation for a player like that compared to the regularly available average Andy, at least for me. He gave us excitement at by far and away the most soulless and dead period this club has gone through in decades. Injury prone or otherwise, purple patch player or otherwise, I wish him all the very best and cannot underestimate how he made me feel about matchdays and my club (especially with how therapeutic and packed with escapism weekends and football can be in a world packed with depression inducing factors that are increasing by the day). Love you Maxi!
  13. I'll be sour about this one for a while. Far far too many others needed to leave before this guy needed sold. If there was one player that deserved to have a shot at being part of our new success it is him. I understand the FFP wiggle room and all but it just makes me disdain the likes of Frasier, Hendrick etc for not being of value close enough to sell to get us something in order to be able to free up more funds to spend. Fucking useless knackers, hope they anguish at some crap Championship sides forever.
  14. Super gutted he's gone. Just wish his injury record wasn't so bad.
  15. That is the shocking thing for me. I just don't buy that could have possibly been the case here.
  16. May as well get this spanking out the way now rather than first day of season
  17. Amir_9

    Harvey Barnes

    @footywithutiBest thing since Doxycycline
  18. Amir_9

    Jamal Lewis

    Strikes me as a collect a wage and couldn't be arsed type of footballer.
  19. I think its a bit telling that the best offer for him comes from Saudi Arabia, not good. I know some of us (me included) rate him highly as he gave us some great edge of seat moments at a dire time for the club but would have imagined there would be at least some solid interest from another European club if he was up for sale. I understand his fitness record hasn't been great recently but he is in the prime of his career, there is no reason why he would not have turned it around if given a chance either here or at another European club. I know people mention Neves but that bloke was actively all for that move as money for his family being driving factor and motivation. I can't imagine ASM really wanting to go to Saudi Arabia (not that he wouldn't want to insure his family's future) but for actively stating wanting to stay and do great things with this club.
  20. How the fuck is Darlow still here. Been a liability for years.
  21. Amir_9

    Jamal Lewis

    Stinker of a signing this was
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