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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. That is the shocking thing for me. I just don't buy that could have possibly been the case here.
  2. May as well get this spanking out the way now rather than first day of season
  3. Amir_9

    Harvey Barnes

    @footywithutiBest thing since Doxycycline
  4. Amir_9

    Jamal Lewis

    Strikes me as a collect a wage and couldn't be arsed type of footballer.
  5. I think its a bit telling that the best offer for him comes from Saudi Arabia, not good. I know some of us (me included) rate him highly as he gave us some great edge of seat moments at a dire time for the club but would have imagined there would be at least some solid interest from another European club if he was up for sale. I understand his fitness record hasn't been great recently but he is in the prime of his career, there is no reason why he would not have turned it around if given a chance either here or at another European club. I know people mention Neves but that bloke was actively all for that move as money for his family being driving factor and motivation. I can't imagine ASM really wanting to go to Saudi Arabia (not that he wouldn't want to insure his family's future) but for actively stating wanting to stay and do great things with this club.
  6. How the fuck is Darlow still here. Been a liability for years.
  7. Amir_9

    Jamal Lewis

    Stinker of a signing this was
  8. Me too. If there was ever a player and a lad I'd like to see have a proper whip at making it work here and become a success at the highest level for this club in its new era. It's him. I will never forget him being our talisman and shining light at such a rubbish period for our club.. Fuck FFP. If it wasn't for that crap that we have to face more than Chelsea or Man City ever did we wouldn't even be talking about selling this guy.
  9. Outside Lime Street station is a fucking eternal never ending construction site. Very underwhelming city. Manchester is far far superior.
  10. Maxi holds a place in my heart due to the fact he was our talisman when it was gutter shit under Ashley. I would rather give him one more season to prove himself in terms of fitness and form rather than get rid now. Even if it means this failing and then selling for less money in a year. I understand this is a sentimental stance and some people would rather sell, invest and go full steam ahead now rather than later. Honestly I would consider us winning something like the League Cup but finishing 5th/6th in the league next season as steady trajectory. We won't have Liverpool and Chelsea being that crap again this year anyway. Hence why I would like to see him given one final chance.
  11. I would imagine this would be something that is looking to bring in all of the football following Saudi students in the UK or something. I hope they realise its more trouble than it's worth.
  12. Pretty certain never had any interest in coming up here and that's fine. Not every footballer is going to be sold by the project/club/city. I understand a lot of people don't like London but I totally get the appeal for a young footballer with certain priorities over others. Not the end of the world, there are players out there that can still improve our team and the window is still young.
  13. Met him once at Central Station, he was with his wife. Was dead canny enough to take a photo. For context, I myself am Asian/Brown. So I have some level of hope he was just more of an ignorant byproduct of his time rather than a hateful man. (Not excusing it, like).
  14. Never really felt he had any interest in up here, usually you get at least one report from the player's camp that gives a hint a player is interested. Never happened with this guy. I don't feel not having him is a dealbreaker to be honest. He wants to fuck around at Spursy then let him fuck around at Spursy. The beautiful sights of crime and fried chicken shops of N1.
  15. Ideally something about would have loved to make enough of an impression over the season to play a bigger part in it. Again, like I say I could be reading it wrong.
  16. I don't know, maybe I am reading into it wrong
  17. There was a recent quote from him about what his ideal Champions League final result is.. Something along the lines of City winning 3-0 and I come on the last 10 minutes. Edit:
  18. Seems content doing fuck all
  19. Amir_9

    Felix Nmecha

    There have been folks who have taken a stand to a certain degree - either fully and completely boycotting the club (I personally know some like this) or airing their disagreements about the owners but still supporting the club just like they did in the Ashley era. I do think there is an acceptance of the fact there aren't enough in our fanbase (or in fact any club's fanbase) that care to the level that it has a mass boycott in the hope something might be done about it. Vast majority of people really do just want to watch and support their football club under practically most circumstances. Mind you the owners aren't the one kicking the ball around every weekend, so its easier to turn a blind eye or be 50/50 about it when you aren't literally seeing them every weekend as opposed to a footballer on the pitch that thinks like this so publicly. Maybe a cop-out statement, I don't know.
  20. Amir_9

    Felix Nmecha

    Can't stop a bigot from being a bigot - just no need to be public about hateful views when you are in a business where PR and fan support is a massive deal. I would have no issue supporting a player like this if they remained neutral, respectful despite disagreements and kept their opinions to themselves. Publicly airing hate and prejudice is an absolute no no and an insult to the club's LGBT fans. Would not support this move and would find it very hard to cheer someone like this on during matchday.
  21. Amir_9

    Felix Nmecha

    Eurgh, a homophobe. Would feel uneasy cheering on someone like this being that openly homophobic.
  22. Love it, will be buying. Is it true that Castore kits need to be ordered one size larger than your actual size?
  23. Champions League = Premier League Europa League (seeing as it gets some pretty big clubs in there these days) FA Cup Europa Conference League Cup
  24. Good for them, know far more decent West Ham fans than bad. Sort of a similar club to us down in London (well pre-takeover).
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