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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Some peak cope going on here, mate.
  2. Amir_9

    Joe Willock

    Just a reminder, Kennedy posted something similar that implied he wasn't coming back after his first loan. He ended up coming back. Chances with this one are far slimmer granted but not because of the Instagram post lol.
  3. Amir_9

    Jeff Hendrick

    The most invisible cunt I have seen in a long long time. Nobody turns into a ghost on a football field like him. So glad he's not started in the run-in.
  4. St. Maximin & Wilson coming back from injury as well as the brilliant loan signing of Willock is what made the decent finish possible. Same with improvements in performances from players like Ritchie and Murphy. Not 100% behind the its all Graeme Jones notion. Could have played a part but to what extent, not sure. Nobody here really knows either. The rot stopping after he joined didn't last long before we went to being turd again briefly.
  5. Was thinking that myself. Might change my mind after watching the replay closely again.
  6. Yeah fuck this, disgraceful showing. They are so bad but we're ten times worse.
  7. 2-3 more points to seal it
  8. Amir_9

    Joe Willock

    Playing a huge part in helping keep us up. What a lad!
  9. Yes, I lived in Newcastle from 2011-2015. Used to study up there but been a supporter since 2006. Also, hi its me. How the hell am I only seeing this now. Small world haha.
  10. Absolutely not. Unfortunately there's more than enough of these sorts to fill most of the ground: Time away from the missus with the lads / family day out / support the team not the regime / Uni students and casuals.
  11. That's fantastic. Goalkeeper really should be saving that though.
  12. Might just stop tuning in to pre/post match analysis. These so called pundits on Sky are donkeys with so little context or understanding, relying on just stats. Anyone can fucking do that.
  13. Appoint shit get shit. Surprise surprise.
  14. Put them back in their place City. Go on
  15. This is a fair comment. He had his moments over the years but now is reaching consistently pathetically bad levels of mistakes in crucial plays. Should have been rid of 2-3 years ago.
  16. Amir_9


    Channels the spirit of Ali Dia the minute he gets in the box.
  17. Amir_9


    Useless in and around the box like an impotent dick.
  18. Amir_9

    Steve McClaren

    CV wise better than Bruce absolutely. But during him managing here, no, not better than Bruce. As utterly turgid as Bruce is, at least we didn't go down with Bruce in his first season here (although we just might this year). Being in a relegation battle with some of the players in the squad that he had was just criminal. Not a cunt but was way way way out of his depth and I think people forget the casual smiles and laughing in the post-match interviews after such inept performances. Chelsea away is one I remember well, as we languish down near the bottom. Dogshit. I think he gets an easy ride in comparison to Pardew purely because he wasn't as much of a cunt and an Ashley arse-licker but make no mistake, this guy was fucking awful.
  19. The only games I can see us winning are shithousing it against Sheffield United and Fulham at the end. The rest will be losses and bore draws. We are such a sight for sore eyes
  20. I was there sat in the Leazes. Some fucking goal.
  21. She’s alright. People need to get over their dislike of female commentators. I don't dislike them because they're female, I dislike them because they're awful. I look forward to the first decent female pundit/commentator. I rest my case Here man, i'm all for equality and female involvement in the sport. The current crop of female pundits/commentators on British TV just don't strike me as exceptional, and this isn't me saying males are automatically superior, there's a whole load of shit male pundits/commentators as well.
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