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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Don't get me started on our fans Facebook/Twitter love-in with Ritchie. Its like these cunts are blind or something.
  2. Damn, this lot may as well be playing amateur sunday league Quality can't be that far.
  3. Watford look fucking gash I like that.
  4. > No disrespect to Udinese >> Disrespects Udinese
  5. Man City playing in a Spurs kit lol
  6. We were expired fermented fish level of stink today all across the park, with tactics from a manager that doesn't rate tactics, all wrong from the start. Brighton could only take full advantage of that and they did. I still don't think they're a particularly good team nor do I think they will finish above us at the end. Same with when we lost to Villa early last year.
  7. Can't help but feel they remind me of another similar team
  8. Overdue a home win against these. One of the most turgid and pointless sides in the league *cough* 2-0 win.
  9. Fantastic goal for Wolves. Super neat finish from Jiminez
  10. Finally have a Premier league quality striker playing upfront. The different that is going to make. Thank you Jesus/Allah/Jah/Moses
  11. Edgelords man. Every thread, every game "Why am I watching this? / Wish I felt something" on and on and on and on. Obviously would rather we had somebody that is far more proven than Stevie Bacon or an owner other than Ashley, but credit where credit is due when its due.
  12. Looks like they are doing a protest flag using the old Qatar flag They got the colour wrong, that looks more like Bahrain. That IS Bahrain. Jesus Christ
  13. Nobody was "In The Know" - this entire episode just proved to show how journos more or less know fuck all and were shooting in the dark. I stopped bothering with their info many weeks ago.
  14. The nation that bought the world cup and built their stadia with slave labour living in dogshit conditions tried to play the moral card with piracy I hope the ones who were against this takeover go full length and boycott the Qatar world cup as well
  15. Only this club could end up being in the middle of a fucking geopolitical mess with no end in sight
  16. If Liverpool play like they did yesterday this is gonna be an ass mauling of epic proportion 3-0 Liverpool
  17. Premier League can go and get fucked for leaving us all in the dark like this Also all the journos credibility around this have dropped big time tbh, none of them knew anything. Literally click bait merchants. The only truth was delivered by Forbes or whoever it was that initially reported it. All the other Twitter jokers really offered nothing.
  18. Things I am not going to miss when this is finally approved or turned down: 1. "Cans" 2. Every journo who honest to fuck knows next to little or practically fuck all teasing everyone like they know shit 3. That Geordie fucking Dentist who's credible only because he lives in the Middle East somehow 4. Kashogi's bird 5. All the cringe Saudi/UK Twitter love-in
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