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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Everton not going anywhere no matter who they appoint, no matter what they spend or whoever owns the club, will never not crack me the fuck up.
  2. At least the latter had a goal, decent feet and some tricks in him, he offered something to our attacking play. This fucking bellend offers neither.
  3. Biggest injustice in the fucking world if we sign this useless twat instead of Willems
  4. I cannot recall a single instance where this guy had ANY meaningful impact in any fucking game Not in attack or defense. Stinking average signing.
  5. Just shut up and retire man. Awful with practically zero offensive impact.
  6. Fernandez has been dogshit Embarrassing from all our players at the back today
  7. Weeeeeeeeeew another day closer to "its deffo happening next week" Fuck you Premier League.
  8. Hes been a great signing for us overall, must be said. I think he has improved his petulance and laziness. For a while it looked like he was finished here at Rafa's final days. Personally would rather see him ahead of Sean Longstaff occupying a position in midfield at any given chance now.
  9. Another week goes by with this still not going anywhere Fuck you Premier League and fuck you Masters.
  10. An absolute shithouse for us Gosling was. Seems to score against us often now the twat
  11. I don't actually mind West Ham, to me they are just another club similar to us. Loyal well supported fanbase run by clowns etc. Bournemouth had their fun and time up in this league but lets be honest there are far bigger clubs who are more suited to this league better than they are. They lost their shine a while ago and their purchases have been diabolical.
  12. Shithoused our way this far and deserved fuck all today Its the hope that kills you.
  13. Gayle can get to fuck back to the championship and rot there forever as far as im concerned
  14. Man fuck the Premier League for dragging this out this long. Seriously. I mean obviously they are within reason but fuck em anyway
  15. Honest to God I never had anything against this lot but now would gladly be a part of sending them the fuck down now
  16. Just watching the MOTD Bruce arse-licking and Neville with the "His style of football is better than Rafa" Okay, lets just forget the rubbish football we were playing for most of the season when he decided to go back to Rafa's system and play it in the most statistically boring manner but it worked... just. Wasn't fucking pleasant on the eye mind without Rondon or Perez. He keeps us up, has us anywhere 10th - 13th, that'll be a good job hes done but to say we should not be looking at Pochettino is absurd. This is the same manager the likes of Real Madrid / Barcelona / Man United have been eyeing. When you can afford the best, there is no room for sentiment. He's done a good job but lets be real here, Steve Bruce as the manager/coach of one of the richest clubs in the world if this takeover goes through. Imagine.
  17. He has done an okay job, we can all agree on this. However, there is nothing on his CV to suggest he is capable to take us to the next level or to keep this current level consistent over a couple of seasons without being found out and capitulating - unable to fix it. For me and I imagine many others it had nothing to do with Sunderland/being British and local/"just not a sexy enough appointment" or any of that garbage. There is just nothing to suggest hes capable of taking this football club to where it potentially could be under rich owners.
  18. I've seen other reports and comments that they absolutely want to be bigger and better than Qatar in everything they do. I think MBS has a massive statement to prove and signing big name players to take the limelight away from Qatar (Man City) is more than possible. Qatar are PSG. UAE are Man City. Also, these lot will want NUFC appeal to everyone in Saudi Arabia. There is no way they won't go all in. You're correct, my mistake. From what I understand the rivalry they have with Qatar is more than UAE? Either way, MBS wants to be the biggest and best. I really hope this does come off because it will massively change our club. These guys are the richest in the Middle East and seeing as they are starting to make moves away from mostly being an oil-dependent ultra conservative Islamic country, given what they have spent in terms of bringing a new image to the country with some of the events that have been happening there (boxing, wrestling, music festivals etc.); I see no reason why they won't pump as much money as possible into this project.
  19. I've seen other reports and comments that they absolutely want to be bigger and better than Qatar in everything they do. I think MBS has a massive statement to prove and signing big name players to take the limelight away from Qatar (Man City) is more than possible. Qatar are PSG. UAE are Man City. Also, these lot will want NUFC appeal to everyone in Saudi Arabia. There is no way they won't go all in. This investment is part of their reform and 2030 vision.
  20. Sheffield United have a Saudi prince as owner, however they aren't owned by the Saudi government. Amnesty have only come out today, when we're almost finished the deal. Man Utd/Liverpool never got nearly as close as this. Are we seriously trying to suggest now that Amnesty International are also biased against Newcastle? He's still part of the extended royal family, government and royal family are the same thing there. I'm not trying to suggest bias but where was the outcry from them at Qatar being granted the World Cup? The UAE takeover of City? Chinese and Russian involvement in football? Did I miss something? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2019/02/reality-check-migrant-workers-rights-with-four-years-to-qatar-2022-world-cup/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2016/03/qatar-world-cup-of-shame/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde22/9758/2019/en/ https://www.amnesty.ie/qatar-migrant-workers-unpaid-for-months-of-work-by-company-linked-to-world-cup-host-city/ https://www.amnesty.ie/qatar-abuse-world-cup-workers-exposed/ https://www.amnesty.ie/qatar-authorities-must-step-up-efforts-to-honour-labour-rights-promises-before-2022-world-cup/ https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/nov/10/manchester-city-amnesty-international-football-leaks Yeah I think you may have missed something I was wrong and have been short sighted in my desperation of wanting this to go through. What do you want me to say lol Sheffield's United owner is part of the royal family and holds some position in their government, that much I know.
  21. Sheffield United have a Saudi prince as owner, however they aren't owned by the Saudi government. Amnesty have only come out today, when we're almost finished the deal. Man Utd/Liverpool never got nearly as close as this. Are we seriously trying to suggest now that Amnesty International are also biased against Newcastle? He's still part of the extended royal family. I'm not trying to suggest bias but where was the outcry from them at Qatar being granted the World Cup? The UAE takeover of City? Chinese and Russian involvement in football? Did I miss something? Not sure which rock you were under but there's been huge outcries at Qatar being given the World cup. Multiple reports on human rights of stadium building there, corruption which took down lots of people at FIFA etc. Wasn't aware of Amensty International's case with Qatar, but this has changed nothing in terms of events and ownership so far, so I fancy our chances. (Which was the original point).
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