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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Yes. I think we are safe. I would worry once Fulham, Sheffield United and West Brom start showing serious improvement than what they're serving up now and for Brighton to be far more consistent.
  2. Amir_9

    Jacob Murphy

    Decent defending as well today. Well played, hope he stays consistent.
  3. Hendrick has been donkey shit Literally offers fucking nothing
  4. Villa though, another club that might just overtake us since being below us for a while But its okay, what else do we expect, Bruce boy is doing a good job says the Facebook lot, our own fans. Never mind the media.
  5. Leicester what the fuck man
  6. Krafth was well and truly taken to the cleaners today. I'd be okay with seeing Lascelles go at this point, hes had his peak and has not looked like being anywhere near that player for a long long while now.
  7. Amir_9

    Jeff Hendrick

    I did think this fella was a very Colback type player from what i've seen so far but seen some comparisons a few weeks ago of Barton and thought hold on maybe im missing something No, this guy really is a fucking poor alternative to Colback. No urgency, passing backwards and sideways, afraid to fucking go forward. A literal fucking body on the field that acts as a number no more no less.
  8. Him, Wilson and ASM are the three players that should be the first names on the team sheet any fucking day. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
  9. He's more or less the same player from last time around minus the bad individual errors/fuck-ups that lead to goals Decent goalkeeper with bad distribution.
  10. Hindsight is pointless but you cant help but wonder how different tonight would have been with him playing the time he deserves on the pitch
  11. Yes, at the very least as bad as us. Current bottom 4 are awful.
  12. Amir_9

    Jeff Hendrick

    To think this useless fuck is keeping Almiron on the bench
  13. Don't think anyone is blaming Joelinton ahead of any of the other anonymous bunch playing right now. Just seems to be the most anonymous one of them all this half. Fraser and Almiron have to come on second half.
  14. Has Joelinton done anything yet? Feel like not heard his name at all
  15. Time to use the good old "We need time" card
  16. Even for stupidly tight VAR standards thats onside Fuckers be blind man
  17. Amir_9

    Jeff Hendrick

    There was that one instance in the second half I was really annoyed at him Proper Colback levels of non-productivity passing backwards twice ruining a move forwards. Should have scored today as well.
  18. Been able to tolerate and enjoy these games without fans at the stadium so far but starting to wish otherwise now Really not the same.
  19. Can see us losing this, they are due a win 2 jammy results for Brewcie can't be 3 in a row surely Law of averages
  20. Amir_9


    You'd be lying if you couldn't tell he was shitting his pants and not upto it mentally going up to take that penalty One does wonder if the guy has the ability to fully get the confidence back to show anywhere near the ability expected/paid for.
  21. It's a pretty negative board like. I think its fair to say happy with a point but disgusted at the circumstances and bigger picture.
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