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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. SSN: Giroud turning us down a second time Feels good man.
  2. Don't really see the issue of him using us as a stepping stone and being honest about it from the off. It is a loan after all, hes not our player As long as he does his job he can fuck back off with blessings if they want him back
  3. To be fair??? Why the fuck should any-one be fair to an areshole like Bruce??? Or are you making excuses for a shite performance against a poor team? Is it the fault of the players or the manager? Who trains, motivates, pushes the players? Oh, our useless idiot of a dinosaur manger. Fair to him? Never in my lifetime will I be fair to him. I've already replied to this. And I've already said I've demonstrated what I really think in the wrong manner. You make it sound like I don't already know he is out of depth and shouldn't be here.
  4. You do realise they also missed chances yes? Or does that not come into your equation? Of course not, but the point of being a Premier league player in comparison to a League 1 player is to be more clinical overall. Especially against lower opposition. Anyway, of course I'd rather have anyone half competent as a manager at this level than him. I tried making a point demonstrating the players also share a big responsibility for today in the wrong manner.
  5. I'm in no way shape or form saying hes not faultless because for his one quality that anyone rates him for here (motivation/man-management) he clearly failed to get that to work in this game given how dire it was But what I am saying is - Lascelles and Almiron's chances are down to them and them alone, that is what lead to us not winning more than any shithousery from Bruce and his incompetence. They were clear cut chances right in front of goal that they are players of the quality to be able to finish that.
  6. Football isn't simply about picking your best 11. :lol: Nor is it solely the manager's fault for the stinkers of an effort in front of goal the likes of Almiron, Lascelles and Joelinton presented today. All of them them are of the calibre of quality to finish any of that. Its strange that its luck when we win and then its down to him when we don't.
  7. That's a Premier league 11 playing against a League 1 side They should have the quality to win regardless, the same quality to win regardless of who the manager is just like you were all saying when we were winning Premier league games this year despite of Bruce.
  8. ASM and Almiron with stinkers Lascelles should have buried that. Very very poor from everyone today, lucky that Oxford did not have the quality to be clinical.
  9. To be fair, that team he put out tonight should have won the game. I don't think this result is on him.
  10. Getting 2m for him now would be a good deal. Man, this is unfortunate. You folks are really prepared to just throw this guy away now. I hear you Kaka, but he has been shocking - regardless of off-field circumstances. Throw him away? He's been shit, pathetic, hopeless, no spark, no creativity, no sign of anything remotely positive. Gives the ball away again and again and offers sweet fuck all. All Bruce's fault then?
  11. Amir_9

    Paul Dummett

    Not really a spectacular player, does his job at a decent level but doesn't really offer much and is injured quite a lot. Wouldn't mind seeing the back of him soon.
  12. Amir_9

    Emil Krafth

    Didn't think he looked that bad today but still not someone who should be anywhere near our team
  13. Amir_9


    Although unlucky for the header, he had time to compose himself for a proper shot on target the one he fluffed late in the game Having said that, contributed to making our winning goal so fair play.
  14. Imagine these fucks turning up in the second half at theirs to play like this here
  15. Amir_9

    Miguel Almirón

    Nice to see his goal against Palace wasn't a one off and that the goals are starting to come for him now. He will score a few more before the end of the season, very much needed.
  16. Needed to get rid of this bloke ages ago This is really not his level
  17. Amir_9


    Honestly not a clue what the point of this guy is as a footballer never mind as a striker/40m signing When hes looked decent its been at a position that his physique is not meant for, he does not possess any qualities that would make him look reliable to provide anything of worth for a quarter of what he cost never mind the fee Imagine not going for Rondon, a player who not only preformed what Joelinton can do better but actually was able to score goals too
  18. Would love to see us go for Cantwell if we stay up
  19. Imagine needing to get away from the missus to get away to this May as well consider moving the fuck far far away lol
  20. With you on this one. Had a lot of support despite the mongs who got on his back. Exactly
  21. Disappointed in seeing him celebrate, was my favourite player during his time here
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