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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Sheffield United have a Saudi prince as owner, however they aren't owned by the Saudi government. Amnesty have only come out today, when we're almost finished the deal. Man Utd/Liverpool never got nearly as close as this. Are we seriously trying to suggest now that Amnesty International are also biased against Newcastle? He's still part of the extended royal family. I'm not trying to suggest bias but where was the outcry from them at Qatar being granted the World Cup? The UAE takeover of City? Chinese and Russian involvement in football? Did I miss something? Not sure which rock you were under but there's been huge outcries at Qatar being given the World cup. Multiple reports on human rights of stadium building there, corruption which took down lots of people at FIFA etc. Wasn't aware of Amensty International's case with Qatar, but this has changed nothing in terms of events and ownership so far, so I fancy our chances. (Which was the original point).
  2. Sheffield United have a Saudi prince as owner, however they aren't owned by the Saudi government. Amnesty have only come out today, when we're almost finished the deal. Man Utd/Liverpool never got nearly as close as this. Are we seriously trying to suggest now that Amnesty International are also biased against Newcastle? He's still part of the extended royal family, government and royal family are the same thing there. I'm not trying to suggest bias but where was the outcry from them at Qatar being granted the World Cup? The UAE takeover of City? Chinese and Russian involvement in football? Did I miss something?
  3. Sheffield United have a Saudi prince as an owner. Highly doubt this Amnesty stuff will change shit There is no way the Royal family will go through with this without being 100% sure. They would not want to look stupid in the media. Where was Amnesty when they tried to buy Man United or Liverpool though, seriously.
  4. I also highly doubt affirmations about this weren't in their proposal to the Premier League
  5. Premier League wasn't always on Bein in the Middle East, it used to be with another UAE based broadcaster called ShowTime Wouldn't surprise me if its snapped up again if Bein fuck off. No cause for concern there.
  6. Rafa, the man gets and understands the club, the city and has always seen it as a long term project.
  7. From my time supporting this club: 1. Cisse vs. Chelsea --- 2. Tiote vs. Arsenal 3. Ben Arfa vs. Bolton (I was there)
  8. One does wonder how many more PR disasters do people need to realise this cunt and his company are a cancer on society rather than hearing the same old "Mike Ashley is a good businessman"
  9. Juventus vs Lyon called off also Think its inevitable all European leagues and Champions League will be suspended for a few months now
  10. Drop him off at the glue factory. These misses are fucking shambolic for a striker that's meant to be all about clinical finishing rather than anything else.
  11. There is no chance in hell them lot would come out as rubbish as the first half. Should be out of sight here. Fuck off Ritchie and Gayle man. To think these fucks are still here man...
  12. MOTD tonight showing what a farce the officiating in this league is right now. VAR just highlights it further. Too many mistakes and inconsistencies.
  13. Would argue that was his worst game for us today. Bench time needed because hes just not upto it. Gives the ball very cheaply, gives away fouls and too casual in midfield with zero influence on attack.
  14. It would take some special head in the sand retarded shithousery to defend this cunt after today. Never mind all year.
  15. Deserves to be benched for the rest of the season for that alone. Only for someone else to do the same instead of course.
  16. Abysmal all round, we really have no fucking clue. Those two in midfield are a joke.
  17. Amir_9


    Apparently has had fewer shots on target than Christian Benteke all season and Benteke has only started six games. Ouch.
  18. Hes kicked off and called him/them a disgrace because of some 10 year old being let down when they wouldn't take a photo with the kid. Supposedly got nothing to do with the result.
  19. Amir_9


    And his strengths are? Seriously, his hold up play is shocking, he can't head a ball, he does not know how to run the channels and his movement in the box is non existent. Never in a million years is this bloke a striker! I don't think hes a striker either. However, he shows flashes of decent play on the wings now and again. Having said that, I do feel for him because there is usually fuck all for him to pass to most of the time he has the ball with him in the final third and/or when its hoofed up to him. He's shit, but I feel he could look somewhat decent if we had something of a well drilled attacking plan. Still, not a 40m player and most certainly not a striker/player you rely on for regular goals at this level - which just makes the transfer all the more baffling.
  20. Amir_9


    I also thought he played alright today. Honestly, I am starting to feel for this guy. He's no way a 40m player but I have no doubt he would be much better if the team actually played to his strengths and had an actual well trained attacking plan.
  21. Amir_9

    Nabil Bentaleb

    Occasionally tidy but too casual for the most part. Not involved enough and loses the ball in key plays/areas. Bit weird letting Ki go only to be served up what hes serving up. Early days but signs aren't really indicating much to be excited about.
  22. Its hard to see where our goal would have come from even if they haven't scored their 2 It is so painful how much we need a midfielder than gets into goal scoring positions or a striker thats half clinical at this level.
  23. Red for Choudhary. Filthy cunt.
  24. Amir_9

    Ki Sung-gone

    Assuming Longstaff (Sean) gets somewhat back to the form we saw last season at some point (if that even happens with us again) then this will have been the right decision Which just comes to show how much of a stinker in form Longstaff is having right now to even consider this guy leaving being a mistake. He had the odd decent game but was mostly timid and not upto pace.
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