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The Bard of Byker

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Everything posted by The Bard of Byker

  1. 'Alreet guv'nor pet, ah'll have a proper nawty warm pint of mild, my old plate. And a packet of chim chimerneys (salt and vinegar). Up the Thamesmen! Down with the Georgies!'
  2. They have a lot in common with County Durham it seems. Wut? Moved to east Durham some years ago and it is an almost daily occurrence. One morning early doors I was walking to the corner shop and across the road there was this old bloke feeding a twix to a horse. You never see an old man eating a Twix.
  3. Can they do it on a balmy Tuesday night in Newcastle, though? (Probably, yes).
  4. Hat trick tonight. Left foot, right foot, arse.
  5. http://www.lunacynet.com/league/images/s2_pop.jpg "Something happen today... something good!"
  6. http://www.shropshirestar.com/wpmvc/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/STFC-Final-Logo-Roundel-no-copywright.jpg NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  7. I just found this beauty again: http://i64.tinypic.com/2w4bvgg.jpg
  8. http://i68.tinypic.com/35c0aw5.jpg FRET. ENDEAVOUR. MAGIC.
  9. With 'Tara for a bit' underneath. (I realise he's not really a Brummie, but it would be funny).
  10. My nana's mam hadn't even been born then, I'm pretty sure back then the crossbar was made out of boot laces strung together and tied to two posts. Everybody had keys to everybody else's house, and the locks were made of... something like paper.
  11. So what football are you lot playing? Unspeakable sh*teball.
  12. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/01/30/article-2549079-1B171EB300000578-169_306x350.jpg 'Nineteenth-century football'
  13. http://i65.tinypic.com/ay7y51.jpg
  14. http://i68.tinypic.com/dyt5zp.jpg
  15. Got a bit of the Pardew Stevenage debacle about it, this. Keep the ball ffs!
  16. http://i58.tinypic.com/2v1p85l.jpg
  17. Exeter play at SJP. Can't be bothered to fashion that fact into a witticism.
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