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The Bard of Byker

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Everything posted by The Bard of Byker

  1. Ha, not this time, you bunch of chumps.
  2. He'll be fine. Can of Coke and a ciggie and he'll be right as rain.
  3. I thought that baldy Reading bloke was their manager.
  4. From that thread: Christ, if they expand further they'll need a fork-lift to deliver the pile of free tickets to the local schools, call centres and needle exchanges... 'beuatiful' 65,000 :lol: It's not really fair to laugh, as half of their catchment area is in the North Sea. Lerl
  5. Tee hee. Who's your next messiah - Bruce or Warnock?
  6. Just came here to post it, laughing my ass off haha Reminds me of several encounters we've had with Arsenal.
  7. the Sportsbaren Or Buübibåar for the more discerning gentleman. Is that a topless bar? the Sportsbaren Or Buübibåar for the more discerning gentleman. Is that a topless bar? Aye. Much better than Kâkkpubb round the corner.
  8. the Sportsbaren Or Buübibåar for the more discerning gentleman.
  9. Nearest thing I can find is this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Id-Rather-Be-Out-With-The-Lads-Car-Sticker-Sign-Decal-Bumper-/282122758498?hash=item41afd3a962:g:gUMAAOSwvUlWtZQ5
  10. 'Alreet guv'nor pet, ah'll have a proper nawty warm pint of mild, my old plate. And a packet of chim chimerneys (salt and vinegar). Up the Thamesmen! Down with the Georgies!' I reckon you'd be great company on an away trip Bard hankering after the drink and laughter fuelled transit van away trips of old... http://thetruthaboutbartending.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/thrown-out.jpg
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