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Colos Curls

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Everything posted by Colos Curls

  1. Big renditions of there is only one chris hughton and hughton give us a wave I reckon, make it blatently obvious where the fans stand...... Unless you don't really fancy hughton as manager
  2. 19 threads about Newcastle on first page :|, tree is such things as rivalry banter fucking come on man, that's just embarrassing!, the amount they talk about Carroll just proves they are nervous. They also seem to think if they stop crosses we won't score :/, our goals come from all over the pitch not just a quick lob in the box.
  3. Yes you're completely right, although in my experience thats what we've always given when the unwashed come to town clattermole Who? FYP
  4. Back to our unpredictable best, and I love it
  5. I think clattermole is gonna come out all guns blazing (see Karl henry) and try and make himself a reputation by going for Barton nor Nolan, best way to gain a reputation as a stupid hard cunt. I'll be offering my vocal support for the lads on Sunday and all my qualms and frustrations will always be offered in a drunken fashion after the game in the pub
  6. Good shout, not a bad player
  7. Just thinking, Sunderland got any local lads playing first team football??. Local lads can change a derby!
  8. +1 When he doesn't score i find myself cursing him worse than mad!!
  9. Colos Curls


    This, I love our combackability nowadays, we would of crumbled our last season in PL if we went 1-0 down. You just can't write us of because the players are grafters
  10. Can't actually think about this, makes me stomach turn thinking about it, especially since I work amongst them!! Anyone heard about real radio needing volunteers for the Saturday to do something, just glanced it on rtg, any clues??
  11. In the parrallel topsy turvy Newcastle world I'd say that = instant success, if we included ameobi and smith it could get embarrassing for the hammers
  12. I hope not, he really does nothing for my pre-match build up!!! He's mint man. Gives me goosebumps. Plus, he enjoys winding up the mackems during his performance I he's a laugh like but it's so slow, almost painful. On a slightly different note does anyone know why they've been cutting out of local hero and playing some repetitive gash for a minute then cutting back in at the end of local hero, it sort of kills off all the excitement and build up where I am :/
  13. They must have recommended then because I find it odd why carroll would want to in the first place, the poor cunt must be starving!!
  14. Regardless of how poor at football he can be, this is absolutely shocking, he's doing a commendable thing by taking in Carroll and look what happens, Andy needs more than some stern words because he seems to be a complete tosser imo. Btw was this imposed on Nolan or has he took it upon himself being the captain and all?
  15. I hope not, he really does nothing for my pre-match build up!!!
  16. Ahh well at least he'll have half of nufc for company.
  17. Sounds like a smooth customer like, fucking shithole that one in town
  18. Classy. The whole Nation used to grab a bit of pick'n'mix from Woolies, man. Its the reason it went out of business. I never though, I was too scared of upsetting my Nana. :-[ It was wilko's that got raided round mine, poor mans woolies
  19. Iiiii a was struggling to make out who it actually was, left Blackburn for us, but also tormented Sunderland and is despised by them??
  20. Does shola even train with the team? I've always pictured him as a Ledley king type player who doesn't need to train and just shows up on match days with his apples and a bag of skills?
  21. I can't wait to see the next toon in training picture set, pure carnage I imagine!! Like when your at school and you got a substitute teacher.
  22. I find it humorous how we only really know of chris, Colin and Paul Barron as coaches of the first team, is it me or do we have a considerably small set of backroom staff?
  23. I can't believe smb sometimes man, they create a massive hullabaloo over anything Newcastle and start stringently searching for possible outcomes of andys court case or his bail terms, I mean it's either sad as fuck or they just can't shake that inferiority complex, I predict both. Andy Carroll is blatantly a cunt and I don't think many people can stick up for the lad, he's doing his best to destroy his lavish lifestyle and possible potential. I have no pity for him.... ....Bar living with fatboy
  24. we have played much better, doesnt mean we will continue to do so. Confidence will soon start becoming an issue if we dont pick up a win. We really need something from this going into the Mackem game. I know we didn't beat Wigan when we probably should have but I think the confidence is there, to take a point in a game where we were clearly shite for 80 minutes is a slight boost! I think a 2-1 win but please no booing scott parker lads, you seen what happened with zoggy!!!!!
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