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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. Ben Jacobs saying he might not be able to start until the summer or season after.
  2. Don’t adore him but think he’s underrated and would’ve been a good fit to our squad for this season with the extra games as felt we were going into the season one light in midfield along with a young centre forward to blood. Started with me thinking he was as good as pound for pound player in comparison to the Serbian lad who played for Lazio (Fee/Wage demands) who I didn’t think we could afford due to wage structure despite being told different and who is now playing his peak years out in Saudi Arabia earning a pittance I’m sure…
  3. Bit poor the club haven’t put a Tweet out to say happy birthday to their best ever player…
  4. Why wait. Do it now. Still half a season left.
  5. The guy I mentioned Vickery was on about a few days ago that sounded a good fit for us…
  6. I have to say I’m a bit baffled by those who have memberships for the full season giving up on applying because they’ve only been successful 1-2 games so far. It just doesn’t make sense to me at all. You paid for the ability to put your name in a hat 22 times at phase 1 and a chance to get a ticket in phase 2 re-sale. Do it. Come the end of the season judge wether your £37 or whatever it was was worth it. You might miss out on the first 11 games but just as easily be successful in the last 11 ?‍♂️
  7. £50m combined would be enough at this stage of our trajectory. £20 ASM got us Barnes Livramento.
  8. They haven’t been signaling they need to sell one of the big boys. They will need to sell. Likely someone regularly playing in the squad. Even EH clarified this when asked. I’d say most vulnerable is Wilson, Miggy, Longstaff and a bit more left of field Burn. If we sell one of Bruno, Isack or Botman this summer I will apologise. I think the signalling is more to soften the blow when they announce they need to move to a new stadium and also put pressure on the current rules by keeping it in the media’s attention IMO.
  9. Does seem a little odd but I guess that is the point you can argue. Can imagine the ructions if members getting away ballots due to levels of abuse of system it would lead to but genuine fans like yourself unfairly miss out on having at least a 1% chance.
  10. I read somewhere that a lot of scouts reckon Gordon would end up there once his upper body strength improves with age.
  11. He was talking about a similar player last week that he was surprised no big/English clubs had went for that sounded perfect for us. Played for Fluminese. Think it was André.
  12. Jonjo just had his contract terminated…
  13. LFEE


    Not disputing your point but possibly hard one to diagnose in an away dressing room with limited time. He maybe wanted to try and run whatever he was feeling off. He literally only played a minute and possibly didn’t even touch the ball before they removed him.
  14. LFEE

    Yankuba Minteh

    Yeah it’s relentless. Like Afro Jazz ? 2-0 so think I’ll give up on it.
  15. Wouldn’t be a free kick in my book. Defender daft putting arms round him but ultimately doesn’t foul him in my opinion. Not a dive but an attempt to win a penalty so not good from either player.
  16. LFEE

    Yankuba Minteh

    Back on. Just got fouled 1st min but back up now.
  17. LFEE

    Yankuba Minteh

    Has Sky lost the signal? ?
  18. LFEE

    On this day...

    Watford. Only time I thought we were done walking out the ground. The whole season stunk of relegation. Losing leads. Late goals. Injuries etc. Even EH caught Covid and missed his own first league game! Got home and looked at the table and had a rethink. No one was pulling away from us. The rest is history. Also the day I thought who’s this Joao Pedro. Looked class.
  19. So… what was the final score yesterday? Not seen it mentioned. Guessing a narrow defeat?
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