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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE

    Lockwood Cup

    We haven't decided the date even! As a suggestion if we are going for the Saturday 18th then I'd recommend maybe booking a pitch for 2hrs 10am-12... 4 squads (size depending on final numbers and have 6 x 20min games A v B B v D A v C B v D A V D B v C Winner gets the cup although the purists might want to call it the Lockwood League If you all do decided on Soccerdome its £35 per hour for a pitch (that's £70 in total Neesy as i know your math has been a bit off of late ) on a Saturday morning and they have availability for that morning... I briefly mentioned the occasion and they said they can get a cup made also but it is a national supplier but i didn't go much further with it as it might be nice like someone mentioned to get something done local... Here is the links and see this as my contribution for now... http://www.powerleague.co.uk/5-a-side/north-england/north-shields-soccerdome http://planetsportsandtrophies.co.uk
  2. LFEE

    Lockwood Cup

    Don't mention throw-ins on this forum...
  3. LFEE

    Lockwood Cup

    They are the way of the wise...
  4. LFEE

    Lockwood Cup

    Outdoors enclosed pitch > indoors Indoors > Outdoors open pitch Couldn't agree less. I find it too hot indoor Like I said above I agree with that IF the pitch is enclosed... I.E it has boards to rebound ball off extra... Open pitches are hopeless as you can't do wall passes and the flow of the game is poor due to having to retrieve the ball every passage of play... I.E. a smaller sided version of 11-A-Side... Awful!
  5. Surely AP should be looking at mobility and pace rather aerial power against Man City with Negredo out...
  6. LFEE

    Lockwood Cup

    Outdoors enclosed pitch > indoors Indoors > Outdoors open pitch
  7. LFEE

    Lockwood Cup

    Are you thinking the indoor pitches?... You want somewhere with boards as otherwise half the time the ball is out of play (I..E the outdoor pitches)
  8. LFEE

    Lockwood Cup

    I suggest the Royal Quays Soccerdome even though I hate the pitch layout... But as for availability and location etc probably the wisest... Or the Pitz at Gateshead...
  9. Kompany is their key man especially away from home... Would be great if he wasn't playing but he'll be back for sure...
  10. Ditto... Though I may enter the win a mountain bike competition...
  11. LFEE


    Gomis did a pretty good job for several year...
  12. Nice little dig there Wasn't aimed at you or anyone on here... Just get tired of football videos with generic dance/RnB rubbish for the soundtrack... I think that's why I enjoyed the Luque one so much as the lyrics tied in with his career here a bit and it was a good song all round... Oh sorry thought you were referring to Sewelly's Ben Arfa vid from a few days ago no! Though I didn't like the song that much it did kind of fit lyrically iirc... I wish I could do one but I wouldn't have a scooby...
  13. Nice little dig there Wasn't aimed at you or anyone on here... Just get tired of football videos with generic dance/RnB rubbish for the soundtrack... I think that's why I enjoyed the Luque one so much as the lyrics tied in with his career here a bit and it was a good song all round...
  14. Great video and nice to watch one with decent music...
  15. The owls are not what they seem. wot? Twin Peaks reference surely?...
  16. PM me if you are struggling for tickets... Don't think you should go though!
  17. I think we might be a bit conservative in our valuation of him...
  18. Not saying he hasn't been good... But wonder how good he'd look with more to do each game...
  19. Aye, he's off to Milan. They've signed Keylor Navas from Levante though who had a better season last year and a great World Cup. They should have probably flogged Casillas to be honest but Lopez is too good to sit on the bench. Cheers... Bizarre decision as IC is going downhill IMO and also think he's been overrated his whole career... That's why they signed Keylor Navas. He must be some keeper to improve on Lopez as every time I saw him he was fantastic...
  20. Aye, he's off to Milan. They've signed Keylor Navas from Levante though who had a better season last year and a great World Cup. They should have probably flogged Casillas to be honest but Lopez is too good to sit on the bench. Cheers... Bizarre decision as IC is going downhill IMO and also think he's been overrated his whole career...
  21. Is that right that Real Madrid have sold last seasons keeper?! Madness
  22. Just a quick post to say banners are in my safe possession now after a sureal 3hrs driving with the first half of the journey being told Robbie Williams had committed sucicde only to be told on the way back it was Robin Williams! Inbetween meeting a complete stranger at dawn to hand over the banners and at that exact moment getting a message off another friend to say the HBA M&G had been cancelled... Best start catching up with my work... Zzz
  23. Just as I get handed the banners!!! FFS...
  24. Setting off early to collect flag... Hopefully have it in hand in a couple of hours... Zzzzzz
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