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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. When I said 11-12 he said no problem Ok... Just finished footy and no message yet so must be watching some 3hr epic... Probs went to watch the Inbetweeners twice Still no further response... Will have to switch to plan B and aim for lunchtime... You have my number so anyway I can help let me know. He said he did not reply cos he was at work might be best to get him as early as possible Maybe he works in a Cinema?... Anyway I'll keep you all posted once he gets back to me...
  2. When I said 11-12 he said no problem Ok... Just finished footy and no message yet so must be watching some 3hr epic... Probs went to watch the Inbetweeners twice Still no further response... Will have to switch to plan B and aim for lunchtime...
  3. When I said 11-12 he said no problem Ok... Just finished footy and no message yet so must be watching some 3hr epic...
  4. Warehouse guy still on radio silence due to Cinema... I'm about to play footy for an hour... Hopefully have an update 10pm... #hope
  5. I've made contact with the warehouse man... However he's currently watching a movie at the cinema so progress is slow...
  6. Keep me in the loop... I'll try and help if I can...
  7. Slim: thanks for the numbers... I've left voicemails on both and will now proceed to text them... I'm based in Gateshead but will to take a long lunch and collect them if we could get them a little closer or if someone is available to open up midnight tonight I could go up after I've finished playing footy at 10pm tonight so would land around 12 once changed etc... If anyone knows are hears anything let me know...
  8. The problem is that he is saying he is on night shifts so wont be in Berwick. Then give me number for annother lad who I have called text and got no answer. Went back to the first guy to ask and had no reply. Its finding somone to open the lockup to get the banners What's his shift pattern? Where does he work?... No idea you want his number? He also has the others I think Yes... And his name
  9. The problem is that he is saying he is on night shifts so wont be in Berwick. Then give me number for annother lad who I have called text and got no answer. Went back to the first guy to ask and had no reply. Its finding somone to open the lockup to get the banners What's his shift pattern? Where does he work?...
  10. If someone could bring it down a bit closer I could meet them half way on the A1 to collect it tomorrow lunchtime?...
  11. His licence was suspended by the FA in May 2012...
  12. Looking forward to going along tomorrow... In my head I'm thinking The Beatles at Shea Stadium but in reality it's going to be 100 or so Charva Ultras and a few of us from here isn't it...
  13. LFEE

    Lockwood Cup

    Maybe re-do the voting?...
  14. The comments posted were in response to something about Pardew and were in defence of Pardew, funnily enough they were posted in the Pardew thread. Just because people don't agree with you doesn't mean it's not intelligent. We all know just because it's the AP thread not every comment is relevant to him and and the one I commented on and especially the points I highlighted I agreed with were about MA and no Top manager wanting to work for us... The fact that you do all actually agree with me and yet you all seem to think you don't is where I get my concerns about the lack of intelligence been shown... I'll leave you to it...
  15. I can't see any reference to us getting a top manager in the quote you agree with, what's your point? How was he stitched up by Hall & Shepherd? He stitched himself up by rushing into buying the club, he stitched himself up by not even doing basic checks like using Google to find out who owned the ground because all of us knew that we didn't own it. We had a thread on here about debt and I think we had discussed just about everything that was classed as debt. We all knew how Michael Owen was being paid for and that was the only thing they didn't know apart from the loan which we had discussed to death on here so it was public knowledge. I think most would agree with that minor point, a minor point which had nothing to do with what Disco had originally said. It's not a point which should be used to justify anybody being happy with Pardew or a reason why anybody should be willing to accept his position at the club. That's happening now, I don't think "could" even comes into it. We're an advertising billboard for his shitty brand and the only reason he'll allow the club to use it's own money is to keep us in the Premiership and that is because of the cost of relegation and no more. Again, what has the comment got to do with the original point regarding Pardew? He could decide to sell at any time. Again, what has that got to do with Pardew? Wrong, talking about Pardew on here went a long way towards what happened in our last home game. Talk on here was enough to have banners produced and a walk out. Talk on here was probably the seed that ended up in Pardew sitting in the dugout because he was boo'd every time he stood up. None of my comments have anything to do with AP... I've made this clear in my subsequent posts... I simply came into this thread and noticed someone had quoted someone else talking about MA and what he thought he was going to do with the club and I agreed with it by and large and since then I've subsequently misquoted and misinterpreted and attacked by people who've made comments which are by and large the same comments I've made and agree with yet somehow they think are making opposing remarks when they are not... Then to top it off you've went to a lot of trouble to break down my comments as if they are in relation to AP when none of them were... This is obviously not the thread for reasoned and intelligent debate so on that note I'll leave you all to fall out agreeing with yourselves... And you've all blew your chances of me stopping my ellipses...
  16. I think we all agree with that on this (last) page... It certainly wasn't what I was arguing... People need to read more closely and digest before replying at times... Hence why I use ellipses to help clarify... You state: "I agree that once he's done (got his money back) that his intentions could be to use us as a cash/advertising cow for himself and SD..." this is troubling, as myself and others contend that he's most certainly got his money back and has, for some time, been usong the club as a cash cow and billboard for s*** Direct and his tatty brands. Look at St James' Park FFS - it certainly concentrates the mind on the football/abusing Pardew; looking at the interior of the stadium makes me feel slightly queasy. I think what is disturbing is firstly you quoting me "..." But amending what I said... Secondly what is disturbing is you making the same point again and still mis-reading what I said... And thirdly that you are arguing with someone who is agreeing with you and saying the same thing... "I agree that once he's done that his intentions could be to use us as a cash/advertising cow for himself and SD... I agree he could also decide to just sell up after making balance sheet look as good as possible..." Read that and you will see that I'm in agreement with you... I don't see how you fail to understand that... He may have recouped his money already as others have suggested... That was not the point I was making though it was his intentions of what he will do with the club when he has... You say 'once' he's got his money back, I say he has already, and then some. I don't think that's the same argument at all. You also suggest - using the future tense - that he's going to use NUFC as a cash cow/billboard. I say he's doing that already, and then some (again). I'm not sure we're in agreement, but it's not especially important. Once can be used in past tence... I had a feeling that's what was troubling you hence me clarifying it in my last paragraph in the post above... No one knows for sure either way hence why you can't be definitive about it if you are being reasonable about it... So to clarify "once" more... Since the falling out with the fans he has decided to claw his money back... Once he has done that he will continue to claw more money back in exactly the same vein (hence why it isn't really that important if he's clawed his original amount back already or not) ... Or he could decide to sell once he has has his money back or more... So in short I agree that he is using us as a cash cow now... I thought he was before... And he'll either continue to or sell us...
  17. I think we all agree with that on this (last) page... It certainly wasn't what I was arguing... People need to read more closely and digest before replying at times... Hence why I use ellipses to help clarify... You state: "I agree that once he's done (got his money back) that his intentions could be to use us as a cash/advertising cow for himself and SD..." this is troubling, as myself and others contend that he's most certainly got his money back and has, for some time, been usong the club as a cash cow and billboard for s*** Direct and his tatty brands. Look at St James' Park FFS - it certainly concentrates the mind on the football/abusing Pardew; looking at the interior of the stadium makes me feel slightly queasy. I think what is disturbing is firstly you quoting me "..." But amending what I said... Secondly what is disturbing is you making the same point again and still mis-reading what I said... And thirdly that you are arguing with someone who is agreeing with you and saying the same thing... "I agree that once he's done that his intentions could be to use us as a cash/advertising cow for himself and SD... I agree he could also decide to just sell up after making balance sheet look as good as possible..." Read that and you will see that I'm in agreement with you... I don't see how you fail to understand that... He may have recouped his money already as others have suggested... That was not the point I was making though it was his intentions of what he will do with the club when he has...
  18. I think we all agree with that on this (last) page... It certainly wasn't what I was arguing... People need to read more closely and digest before replying at times... Hence why I use ellipses to help clarify...
  19. I've not been taken in by anything... And I'm certainly no AP sympathiser... I think we are arguing different points judging by your latest response as they don't apply to the points I made...
  20. You agree with the bits about Ashley 'getting his money back' and the hitherto-unknown 'hidden debt'? I agree we are tied into a loveless marriage of sorts until he recovers the money he paid to buy the club and keep it afloat... I agree that once he's done that his intentions could be to use us as a cash/advertising cow for himself and SD... I contend that he long since recovered the monies he paid to buy the club and its inherent debt. I contend that he has for some time already been using the club as a cash cow and showcase for his scummy brands. Look at this years shirts for God's sake - the cheapest, nastiest selections from the Puma option book (stick on crest - embarrassing don't cover it) -and the largest margin for Fatty. I'd also be keen to learn your thoughts on this mysterious 'hidden debt' What is it? How much is it? Where did it come from? What measurements are in place to pay it back? (TV money from last season? Net, we've spent next to nothing this close season. I contend that you're defending the indefensible. I'd say you'd just agreed with me... If he's long recovered the debt as you claim then he's moved on to the phase of using us for a cash/advertising cow which you highlight yourself with Puma etc and not spending the TV money... I'm not defending anybody nor was the person on FB when reading what he had to say...
  21. No offence taken... And I agree a "decent" manager would probably work under the same conditions just not a "Top" manager what seemed to be argued... I think! As like you I just wandered into the thread and next thing I know I'm being called an idiot!
  22. He probably is but that's a different point... The point was made with regards Hiddink and I'm presuming that sort of echelon of manager that would be deemed in the "Top" bracket he claimed fellow fans were foolishly clamouring for... So for example the now retired Hitzfeld who has been branded about in past years...
  23. You agree with the bits about Ashley 'getting his money back' and the hitherto-unknown 'hidden debt'? I agree not many top managers would work under these conditions and for such a low salary... I agree he was stitched up by H&S which has been proven as he didn't do due diligence to uncover the debt and also with myself being a Freeman of Newcastle he didn't realise we are one of the few clubs that doesn't own the land the ground is built on which reduces the value of the club greatly... I agree we are tied into a loveless marriage of sorts until he recovers the money he paid to buy the club and keep it afloat... I agree that once he's done that his intentions could be to use us as a cash/advertising cow for himself and SD... I agree he could also decide to just sell up after making balance sheet look as good as possible... I agree us whinging about AP on MB's is going to have no effect on wether he sticks with AP... So like I said... I don't think he said a lot wrong and agreed with the points I've highlighted...
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