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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. In reality this thread is a week early... The arrival of Debuchy... Douglas... a forward... will change most current perceptions as will a major departure... For what it's worth I can't see anyone leaving other than Simpson if Debuchy comes in and Zaha possibly... Douglas would be a nice bonus... I think the problem with the Debuchy deal is the size of the offers coming in for Simpson being not as high as the club hoped as much as the fee Lille have placed on Debuchy...
  2. Got a feeling after listening to Harper talking about his conversation with AP that he'll play in this one also...
  3. I would say the only time this partnership has been close to working was Cisse's debut against Villa. My gut feeling though is that the Ba-Cisse partnership will work in time... They don't appear to try and play as a pair which doesn't help matters... Always too far apart imo...
  4. How much does the text cost?
  5. Wonder if he'll feature today... Has normally done well against City in the past iirc... Will be interesting to see how Rodgers manages the situation pre transfer window closing though the signs up to now would suggest not very well...
  6. Bizarre... He seemed to be pulling them together slowly and like you say unbeaten after 3...
  7. Based on what? Amalfitano and Lovenkrands comparison ffs. Whats wrong with that?... Both were attacking wide midfielders... It was only later on in his career that PL began to play as more of a central striker...
  8. Based on what? Position in squad replacement... Maybe "-" would of been clearer than ">" Wasn't stating who was better etc... Just simplifying how we were rotating/refreshing the squad...
  9. Amalfitano > Lovenkrands Bigi > Smith (Tiote rotation then replacement within 24month) Good > Kadar Anita > Guthrie ?TBA? > Best My hunch for replacing Best is Wilfried Zaha as i don't think he'll go for anywhere near £10m due to Palace's problems ... And obviously i get no prizes for suggesting we plan to upgrade Simpson with Debuchy with my only doubts being that Simpson is 2yrs younger which is why the board feel they might not be getting the value they originally thought they might from Debuchy before the Euros now his price seems to have risen... Douglas being only 24 and 12 month left on a low wage contract hints as a typical if we can get him lets get him deal as it is a position we need cover for and even potential upgrade if he adapts... Can't see too many surprises this week in short...
  10. Taking a step back i don't think there was much difference between our 2-0 winning performance and our 2-0 loosing performance other than the obvious one... We took our 2 chances (in fact the goals were that good you could say half chances) and yesterday we didn't... The penalty was one i'd put in the soft category as to me football is a contact support and you are allowed to make contact it's just wether that contact is a foul or not... Would of been nice to get to HT 1-0 and re-group but Chelsea took their half chance from a well worked move... To get to my point... We don't make enough chances per game and that included last season... We never cut teams open... We were very good at taking what chances fell to us...
  11. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Was thinking that... Around the 62min mark...
  12. Haven't seen the Villa game but I said on the night of the Man Utd victory I was amazed by Everton's fitness levels... They have obviously changed something for this season and it's worked... To be fair they were like that last game of the season against us and have carried it on whilst sadly we have looked as flat as that day...
  13. So, is it Carroll or a young striker? Just a little point. When Pardew said might try to bring in a younger player, he did not say a striker. He didn't specify a position. The younger than Carroll confusion is because he answered a question about bringing someone in straight after being asked about Carroll. Thats how i heard it fwiw. Also the first quotes in the article are over a month old... Just a typical cut & paste job to fit a headline... Wrong. He said those things last night to the written press. The board thing in that he said a couple of weeks back didn't he, about being over his head. Yep he said it a few weeks ago, but he said it again last night (my friend was there). Fair play then... Just when i saw the quote it was word for word the same as nearly a month ago... Apparently under interrogation that's a tell tale sign of lying...
  14. So, is it Carroll or a young striker? Just a little point. When Pardew said might try to bring in a younger player, he did not say a striker. He didn't specify a position. The younger than Carroll confusion is because he answered a question about bringing someone in straight after being asked about Carroll. Thats how i heard it fwiw. Also the first quotes in the article are over a month old... Just a typical cut & paste job to fit a headline... Wrong. He said those things last night to the written press. The board thing in that he said a couple of weeks back didn't he, about being over his head. Yep... That is what i was referring to...
  15. So, is it Carroll or a young striker? Just a little point. When Pardew said might try to bring in a younger player, he did not say a striker. He didn't specify a position. The younger than Carroll confusion is because he answered a question about bringing someone in straight after being asked about Carroll. Thats how i heard it fwiw. Also the first quotes in the article are over a month old... Just a typical cut & paste job to fit a headline...
  16. @CarloFan: Neil Barnett says there is genuine confidence the match will go ahead. (Chelsea TV) #CFC #NUFC
  17. @nufcfans: RT @cullennufc "In London now. Not a chance the game will go ahead in this weather. Tsunami in town." #NUFC #CFC
  18. I could think of one... Don't buy him and leave Liverpool with the problem of what to do with him to solve rather than us ending up with the exact same problem... You need to name 10 players who we can get below 12M before you're qualified to say that we could do better with 12M! Why?... I don't follow?... It was tongue in cheek mate, because that's the reaction some will tell you if you dare to have the opinion that Carroll is not worth 12M To be honest it's not the fee I was getting at though I agree £12m is a bit north to what he's worth to us... It's more his playing style... I just feel we'd end up with the same problem as Liverpool are currently facing... So add that to the a very sizeable fee and wage deal and I conclude it doesn't make much sense...
  19. What an absolute bullshit article. Says absolutely nothing. Some of it worryingly arrogant... Without a couple of signings this window we will do well to finish top 7... As it stands we've stood still...
  20. Gameweek 2: 1. 1-1 2. 1-2 3. 2-0 4. 1-1 5 2-1 6. 2-1 7. 2-1 8. 2-1 9 1-0 10 1-2
  21. I could think of one... Don't buy him and leave Liverpool with the problem of what to do with him to solve rather than us ending up with the exact same problem... You need to name 10 players who we can get below 12M before you're qualified to say that we could do better with 12M! Why?... I don't follow?...
  22. I could think of one... Don't buy him and leave Liverpool with the problem of what to do with him to solve rather than us ending up with the exact same problem...
  23. LFEE


    Yep... And hopefully just enough to ensure our board feel the need to respond in a positive manner before this window shuts...
  24. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    That's the point i'm making... Who could SAFC of signed for £12-14m for the style of forward they need... I don't think there is that many that would want to go there if you think about it sensibly... The lad. That Everton signed that you mentioned was a decent shout... Will be interesting to see who ends up with the most goals/assists...
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