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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. The difference is the player doesn't get his contract/loyalty bonuses and his percentage of the transfer fee etc depending on his clauses...
  2. Have to admit it's a pet hate of mine that a player openly talks about wanting a move and refuses to put a transfer request in... Take Modric for example and all his inner circle whinging about him not being allowed his dream move yet he hasn't handed in a transfer request...
  3. LFEE


    Aint too fussed about Douglas meself. If we get him, fine... if we dont go for him, Pardieux must probably think that Streete or Good are almost ready to step up to first team duty. Was chatting to Streete's mother in Sgt Peppers last weekend... That sounds so wrong on so many levels...
  4. LFEE


    For the reported fee we really should be in here. I reckon Pardew has told the board he has other priorities though. Judging by the last few pages on this thread no one is listening anymore...
  5. I'd be interested to know too... Could be quite telling... Answered twice already on this page My page hadn't refreshed as i thought it had on my iPhone...
  6. I'd be interested to know too... Could be quite telling...
  7. Yes... Was in players lounge... Check FanCam (or the thread)...
  8. He's set himself a target of 3 goals this season...
  9. LFEE


    The fact there has been so few alternative rumours at this time of the window seems to suggest we've got Debuchy and possibly Douglas just sitting and we are biding our time for the last 12-48hrs of the window... Possibly just wishful thinking on my behalf perhaps...
  10. Very impressed with the pace of the game... Fitness levels looked way beyond our game Saturday albeit a cooler night perhaps...
  11. Aye, why the f*** is Vidic not marking him? Thats the Everton and the Italy goal he's been beaten to...
  12. The link from here did, but when i went direct through .co.uk it was fine/no warning... Cheers...
  13. My iMac states the link contains Malware and doesn't recommend opening it up... Any ICT boffins on here?...
  14. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    He's on a reported €35k a day approx... €13m a year approx + free use of a private jet...
  15. Peters thread ? Thought it was just as relevant here TBH...
  16. This was my first thought also...
  17. Erik Pieters was at today's match apparently...
  18. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    AP still hoping for one more signing this window... http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2012/08/18/alan-pardew-believes-signing-opportunities-may-arise-61634-31647849/
  19. Hope our defence have done their homework today... Show Bale on to his right foot... Lennon & Defoe on to their left and we'll stand a better chance...
  20. 1. 2-0 2. 1-1 3. 2-1 4. 2-1 5. 1-1 6. 2-0 7. 2-1 8. 0-3 9. 3-0 10 1-2 11 2-1
  21. The commentators are now agreeing with you...
  22. This new league is all well and good but the games should never be on the same day as a first team game. its good for the clubs though, we are playing Spurs at U18, reserve and 1st team 2moro, they can all come on one plane instead of making 3 long trips over the season. I think the reserve leagues should contain the same teams as the first team and play the same day as the main game in the same stadium as pre-main match entertainment... Gets the players used to playing in bigger venues in front of bigger crowds... Fans get more for their money and owners get more from revenue from their facilities via food & drinks etc and helps the atmosphere build up better getting people in the ground earlier... Gets the officials sharpened up... Only downside I could think of is W&T to the pitch...
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