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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Hope they only paid the one agent fee for Jon Harley...
  2. LFEE

    NUFC Songbook

    Anita... Vernon Anita... Leave the rest up to others
  3. Was well impressed with the look of Lille's new 50,000 seater stadium... I wonder if it will be a game changer for Lille's future... Always got the impression they got quite small crowds even when winning the double...
  4. Was on TalkSport this morning... Never the brightest bulb but seems quite professional... Let's hope he's learnt to show Bale & Lennon on to their weaker feet rather than their stronger as he has done in the past...
  5. Both Robbie Earle and Shaka Hislop said on the ESPN Press-Pass tonight the best bit of business NUFC have done this summer is signing Ba to a new long term contract... Have i missed something?...
  6. Wasn't at the talk-in myself to judge the context of the comment but it was what AP said and knowing MA/DL and the reaction from LFC from our bid it wouldn't surprise me... And if we do pride ourselves focusing on the value of a player I'd certainly wouldn't be paying much more than £7m baring in mind Cisse cost £8m albeit a few years older... Would be interesting who people would prefer if we could only buy one more player for £7m... Debuchy or Carroll... it was a joke. £35m was the joke...
  7. Wasn't at the talk-in myself to judge the context of the comment but it was what AP said and knowing MA/DL and the reaction from LFC from our bid it wouldn't surprise me... And if we do pride ourselves focusing on the value of a player I'd certainly wouldn't be paying much more than £7m baring in mind Cisse cost £8m albeit a few years older... Would be interesting who people would prefer if we could only buy one more player for £7m... Debuchy or Carroll...
  8. Can't see us upping our original bid from £7m to £12m... And against the idea personally of him coming back...
  9. LFEE


    You sound like them Two things: He had service (which he wont get) and we fell apart that game, even Alan Smith upfront would have put one past us. Also I think Shola off the bench is a better option than him, at half the price. He still played well in that game, which was my point. He's far from useless. Saha's a better player than Shola, but considering the price comparison there's not much in it for value. My point wasn't necessarily that he's better/worse than Shola, more that we are one squad striker light for this season and there's worse players for that role - not that I'd go and buy him, but if he was presented to me as 3rd/4th choice for our squad I wouldn't weep. I don't think I sound like them, I despise them just as much as the next person on here, but just as they are prone to silly hyperbole when rubbishing our signings, we can be too. As a football fan, Saha isn't a poor player. He has a poor injury record and will likely be overpriced in terms of wages, but he's not the joke signing that a lot of people on here want him to be just to have another stick to bash the Mackems with. We've already got a lot anyway. I'm not saying they've got one over us, nor does the signing make them any better than mid-table wasters, but call a spade a spade - he's not a bad striker. This... If they get the finer details of the deal right then it's a good short-term deal for them...
  10. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Aren't you forgetting the obvious one...
  11. Didn't AP himself say we only bid £7m?... Terrible journalism...
  12. LFEE


    Saha getting the SSN yellow ticker tape treatment now... Advanced discussions...
  13. A couple of different places on Twitter were claiming it so nothing concrete... AP normally has his late morning so should get an indication then of how things will unfold...
  14. Talk of a press conference 2pm... Not sure if it will be the usual Pre-game conference or to announce Anita signing... Guessing the later due to the time...
  15. Maybe MA wants to save a further £70k and get him in 2wks time...
  16. LFEE

    Season Tickets

    Just landed... Bit naff looking but as long as it works...
  17. He'll be used as in a few positions, like a lot of the squad. That's my concern as I feel judging by his fathers comments he perhaps wants a more defined role in the team which may go against us signing him...
  18. Not sure if posted since Sunday but a good listen if not... Maybe the plan is Anita LB and Santon RB... Either that or he'll rotate with Jonas... http://www.talksport.co.uk/radio/call-collymore/120812/van-der-kraan-newcastle-fans-should-be-excited-anitas-arrival-178495
  19. Agger has said he wants to stay...
  20. Only problem to your plan is he's got 3 year left on his contract not 12month...
  21. Yep... It's not NUFC related but it was radio gold!
  22. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    If we fail to get Debuchy is the plan to fill the RB position externally or internally for a start whilst trying to clarify if Santon is to remain on the left due to quotes from the player saying otherwise... I'll try and pipe up and ask that I was at the Whitley Bay FC talk in May 2011 and you had to write your questions and they picked the best ones...so i'm not too hopeful mind It's a fair question so i don't see why not... Good luck... Any chance of reposting the events of evening when you return tonight?...
  23. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    From 7, but not sure there are many/any tickets left. Cheers, is it not on the radio anywhere? No
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